Notice for Midterm Examinations, Spring 2023 | Green University of Bangladesh

Notice for Midterm Examinations, Spring 2023

March 14, 2023

REVISED NOTICE – Midterm Examinations, Spring 2023

This is to notify all students, faculty members and related administrative officers that the Midterm Examinations of Spring 2023 for all the academic programs (with JMC) of Green University of Bangladesh will be held in-person during 30th March to 15th April, 2023.

Students are advised to download their admit cards from clearing all the dues to attend the Midterm Examinations. Digital copy of admit card will be available online from 27th March, 2023. Students are instructed to bring a printed copy of the admit card to appear at the examinations. Without accounts Clearance the admit card cannot be downloaded. Students are not allowed to get entry into the examination hall without admit card and student ID card.

Routines of the Midterm Examinations can be viewed from the students’ portal. Students are advised to follow the exam routines.

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