Proctor's Office | Green University of Bangladesh

Message from the Proctor

Dr. Md. Mehedi Hasan

Assistant Professor, Department of LAW and Assistant Proctor

Green University of Bangladesh

Contact: 01768645877

“Wise distrust and careful watchfulness are the parents of safety”

Green university of Bangladesh has a well-developed and structured proctorial system. The proctorial team possesses one proctor and two assistant proctors who are responsible to take any disciplinary actions regarding the students within Green University campus: both the city and permanent premises. The team is also responsible to perform tasks assigned by the Vice Chancellor regarding the code of conduct of the students. There is a well-prepared policy for the students, teachers, and staff of Green University of Bangladesh that describes the code of conduct, and the proctorial body keeps an eye on everyone who are responsible to follow the policy. The following briefs the responsibility of the Proctorial body.

The Proctor is an employee, preferably one of the most senior and well-known faculty members of the university. Any prior experience regarding the job is an added advantage. The proctor is directly responsible to the Vice Chancellor. The Proctor has to take action regarding any disruptive behavior made by the students within the university campus. Any change in the code of conduct, additions or moderations is proposed by the Proctorial team to the Vice Chancellor. Also, the Vice Chancellor may ask for bringing changes which the Proctorial team is to execute.

The Proctor may propose to the Vice Chancellor to recruit volunteers from amongst the senior students if any such situation arises. The Proctor along with the assistants takes the leadership in any situation where a political or national issue appears and influences students within the campus premises. The Proctorial team maintains a good communication with the local Police Stations. Eve teasing, ragging, bullying, sexual harassment or any such heinous deeds are dealt with zero tolerance by the Proctorial team. Overall, the team is responsible to ensure a trouble-free congenial, peaceful, education-friendly environment at Green university of Bangladesh. The Proctor or at least one of the Assistant Proctors remains at each of the university buildings during the office period to maintain order and discipline. The Proctor of Green University of Bangladesh is assisted by three Assistant Proctors who are chosen from the faculties of Science and Engineering, Law, and Green Business School. The Proctorial Body is as follows:

Assistant Proctor

Assistant Proctor


Assistant Proctor

Assistant Proctor


Md. Rasel Kabir 

Assistant Professor

Language Center & Department of English

Green University of Bangladesh

Contact: 01721920970

Dr. Md. Shariful Alam

Associate Professor, Department of Textile and Assistant Proctor

Green University of Bangladesh

Contact:  01775810520

 Dr. Mohammad Delwar Hussain

Assistant Professor, Green Business School and Assistant Proctor

Green University of Bangladesh

Contact: +88-01891-460016

Ms. Shamima Akhter

Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Green University of Bangladesh

The Proctor himself is from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. From amongst the Assistant Proctors, Dr. Md. Delwar Hossain works dedicatedly for the Permanent Campus while Dr. Md. Mehedi Hasan and Ms. Shamima Akhter are for the City Campus.

The Proctorial team of Green university of Bangladesh is vibrant, vigilant, and committed to make the campus hubs of academic, culture, research, and intellectual activities enhancing safety and security, and ensuring law and order situations. We believe: “The battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton.” – Lee Kuan Yew

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