Dear Beloved Graduating Students,
We are pleased to inform you that the 4th Convocation of Green University of Bangladesh (GUB) will be held on Saturday, 19 June 2021 through the virtual platform Zoom. You all know that before the pandemic COVID-19, the GUB got the kind consent of honorable President of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and the Chancellor of the Universities to organize its 4th Convocation physically but the program had been suspended by the Office of the Minister of Education due to the sudden spread of the epidemic. For the last 15 months, the whole globe is facing stagnant situation and even the health specialists of the World Health Organization cannot forecast when we will get a release from this epidemic as the devastating Indian variants are being spread throughout the country.
There are lots of graduates who are facing various difficulties in higher studies and jobs because of their lacking to show the original certificates. Considering the current adverse situation of the country and the multidimensional necessity of the graduates, Green University authority is standing with the students need as always. Since the 4th Convocation of the university is not possible to organize physically due to the health safety issues, the authority has taken the necessary preparations to arrange the program through the virtual platform Zoom. Your spontaneous presence will make our convocation a grand success. We sincerely wish the overall cooperation of all our beloved students in this regard.
We are taking all sorts of preparation to make the event a memorable one. The detailed schedule for the rehearsal program, dates and times for collecting gown and attractive gift items will be communicated to you very soon.