Workshop on Certificate in Teaching and Learning at GUB | Green University of Bangladesh

Workshop on Certificate in Teaching and Learning at GUB

A three-day long workshop titled “Certificate in Teaching and Learning at GUB: Steps toward Quality & Excellence -phase 1” is being organized by The Center of Excellence for Teaching and Learning (CETL) from 2 nd -4 th February 2021 in blended mode. A total of 17 faculty members attended the course. The Course was conducted every semester for the newly recruited faculty members of Green University of Bangladesh which is one semester program.

Professor Dr. Md. Golam Samdani Fakir, Vice Chancellor, Professor Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Professor Dr. Md. Fayzur Rahman, Treasurer, Prof. Dr. Golam Ahmed Faruqui Dean, Faculty of Business Studies & Director of MBA Program, Chairpersons, Faculty and Staff Members from different sectors of GUB were present in the opening session of the workshop.



Putting Education Back on Track: eLearning and Teaching, Outcome-Based Education: An Overview, Introduction with Various class conduction tools and LMS, Google Classroom as LMS, Managing the first Class/Session: Does and Don’t of Online Teaching Learning, Club Activities at GUB: Implications for GUB Teachers, Centers Activities at GUB and Bloom's Taxonomy: An Overview and its Application in Teaching and Learning were discussed by the lead facilitators.

Professor Dr. Md. Golam Samdani Fakir, Vice Chancellor of GUB and Professor Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Mr. Md. Saiful Islam, Registrar, Dr. ASM Shihavuddin, Associate Prof. & Chairperson, EEE & Director, CETL, Ms. Serajum Munira, Assistant Professor, GUB Centers Director, Ms. Arifa Rahman, Assistant Professor, GBS & Lead Facilitator, CETL and Mr. Hasan Al Zubayer Rony, Assistant Professor, GBS, Unit Facilitator (E-Learning Unit), CETL attended it as the facilitator.