Successfully Completion of Online Program on “Meet the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of GUB” at Permanent Campus. | Green University of Bangladesh

Successfully Completion of Online Program on “Meet the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of GUB” at Permanent Campus.

We are very pleased to share that the Promotional Committee of the Permanent Campus, Green University of Bangladesh has organized an online program “Meet the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of GUB” for the academic enhancement with the current students. The member of the promotional committee from the different departments has orated the program with their valuable speech, namely Prof. Dr. Md. Ismail Chowdhury, Professor of Textile, Dr. Mohammad Delwar Hussain, Assistant Professor of GBS; Ms. Anjelika Hasan, Assistant Professor of Law; Mr. Zohorul Islam, Lecturer of English; Md. Sultanul Islam Ovi, Lecturer of CSE, and Mr. Shourav Saha, Lecturer of EEE. Md. Mazharul Islam, Deputy Registrar (Admission) was also presented his valuable speech for the betterment of the students.

The Respected Chief Guests Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque, honorable Pro-Vice-Chancellor of GUB presented his valuable speech to offer visionary thinking in the context of Industry 4.0. The students of the permanent campus share their opinions, thoughts, and queries to the top management of the University on the program. Finally, Ms. Umme Ruman, Honorable Director, Permanent Campus was enlightening the program through the vote of thanks.