Successful Completion of EEE GREEN LEADERSHIP AWARD 2021 | Green University of Bangladesh

Successful Completion of EEE GREEN LEADERSHIP AWARD 2021


EEE Club has organized an online event named EEE GREEN LEADERSHIP AWARD 2021 to acknowledge the dedication and contribution of the ex-club members, present club members and class representatives of the dept. of EEE.

“A sense of appreciation is the simple, most sustainable motivation at work”, with this motto the program started with the recitation from the holy Quran. The moderator of the EEE club Shahriar Mahmud Kabir conveyed the welcome speech thanking all the participants for their tremendous works throughout these years. Then CRs and club presidents shared their experience, some interesting memories, challenges in online classes, and the Ex-club members gave some advice to the new ones. The chief guest, Dr. ASM Shihavuddin, chairperson, Dept of EEE, provided their certificates virtually. The special guest, Prof Dr. Quamrul Ahsan, Distinguished professor, presented his speech focusing on the development of leadership quality throughout the activities of class representatives and club members and admired them for their honesty. The chairperson of the Dept. ended the session by congratulating them with his inspiring words.

Around 75 club members and 30 class representatives received their certificates.