Retention Day 2021 for IEEE Student Branch GUB at Permanent Campus | Green University of Bangladesh

Retention Day 2021 for IEEE Student Branch GUB at Permanent Campus

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GUB, IEEE Student Branch, GUB (IEEE SB GUB), IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter GUB (IEEE CS SBC GUB), and IEEE Power and Energy Society, GUB (IEEE PES SBC GUB) have organized a day-long program “Retention Day 2021 for IEEE Student Branch” on 04th December 2021 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM at Permanent Campus, Green University of Bangladesh. 

In this event, Dr. Muhammad Aminur Rahman, Associate Professor & Director of Permanent Campus, Branch Counselor, IEEE CS SB GUB, Dr. Mohammad Nazmus Shakib, Associate Professor & Associate Chairperson, Dept of EEE, Permanent campus and Dr. Faiz Al Faisal, Assistant Professor & Associate Chairperson, Dept of CSE, Permanent campus and Dr. ASM Shihavuddin, Chairperson, Dept of EEE were present. Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque, Honorable Advisor enriched the program as the Keynote Speaker and Prof. Dr. Md. Saiful Azad, Dean (Acting), Faculty of Science and Engineering, GUB was the session chair of this event. Almost 130+ participants registered for this event and around 100 participants were present in this event.

At first Dr. Muhammad Aminur Rahman, Associate Professor & Director of Permanent Campus, Branch Counselor, IEEE CS SB GUB welcomed all of the participants and guests in today’s event and congratulated the participants for doing their volunteer works. Then Dr. Mohammad Nazmus Shakib, Associate Professor & Associate Chairperson, Dept of EEE, Permanent campus and Dr. Faiz Al Faisal, Assistant Professor & Associate Chairperson, Dept of CSE, Permanent campus and Dr. ASM Shihavuddin, Chairperson, Dept of EEE shared their thoughts about the membership of IEEE. Then, Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque, Honorable Advisor sir shared some success stories of the GUB with the students in terms of online educations. Then sir motivates the students with the benefits of being an IEEE member. Sir shared with the students what benefits they will get when they will participate in an international conference and when they will apply for higher studies like MS or Ph.D. with an IEEE membership. After that, Md. Maruf Hossain, Vice-chair (Technical), IEEE SB GUB, Zeneya Sharmin, Chair, IEEE CS SBC GUB, and  MD. Tuhibur Rahman, Chair, IEEE PES SBC GUB presented their year-long activities of 2021 of IEEE SB GUB, IEEE CS SBC GUB, and IEEE PES SBC GUB, respectively. Finally Prof. Dr. Md. Saiful Azad, Honorable Chairperson, Dept of CSE, and Dean (Acting) of FSE gave the vote of thanks to all of the participants and guests and encouraged the students to do more excellent events in the near future for getting the award from IEEE Bangladesh Chapter.

During the second session, an idea contest was held and in this event, almost 10 groups participated, where each group consisted of 3 students. In this event, a real-life problem scenario was given to the students and they have to share their idea on how they will solve this problem. Finally, Team – 05 (Nura Alam Siddique ID: 182002005, Safiqul Islam ID: 182002037, and Tarekul Islam ID: 191002300) achieved the 1st position.

Then after the lunch break, a cultural event occurred. At last Dr. Muhammad Aminur Rahman, Associate Professor & Director of Permanent Campus, Branch Counselor, IEEE CS SB GUB shared his concluding speech and conclude the program.