“Decoders Squad” of the CSE department alumni wins BASIS National ICT Awards 2020 | Green University of Bangladesh

“Decoders Squad” of the CSE department alumni wins BASIS National ICT Awards 2020

The department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) of Green University of Bangladesh (GUB) is proudly announcing that “Decoders squad” — a team of CSE Alumni — has been awarded as the Champion in the prestigious BASIS National ICT Award in the Category: Industrial (HC-I) and Subcategory: Sustainability and Environment with the project title of “IoT based air pollution monitoring system.”

BASIS National ICT Award is an annual program of Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS) which started from 2017. The objective of the BASIS National ICT Awards is to provide recognition to the outstanding achievements of individuals, students, entrepreneurs, SMEs, and organizations. This year’s arrangement was broadcasted on 27th June, 2021, Sunday in RTV at 4 pm. It  was successfully organized with the initiative of BASIS and in cooperation with IPDC Finance Limited, Daraz Bangladesh Limited and ICT Business Promotion Council.

Honorable Commerce Minister of People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Mr. Tipu Munshi, MP was the Chief Guest and Honorable State Minister of Information and Communication Technology Department, Mr. Junaid Ahmad Palak, MP was present as the Special Guest at Basis National ICT Awards 2020. BASIS President Syed Almas Kabir presided over the Basis National ICT Awards 2020 Awarding Ceremony.

The current team of “Decoders Squad” consists of 6 members of GUB, named Shaysab Azad (161002036), Arif Hossain (161002021), Razibur Rahman (161002054), Amirul Islam (191001088), Md Rahul Reza (191002067), Md Torikul Islam (192002131). Various members of GUB family have worked with the team in the past, including Nayon Hossain (161002075), Mahmud Hossain (161002042), Toriqul Islam (161002055), Gazi Imran Hossain (161002068), Montaser Abdul Quadar (161002047), Kaushik Ahmed Apu (161002032).

Their project “IoT based air quality monitoring system” can monitor the Air Quality over a webserver using Internet and can trigger an alarm when the air quality goes down beyond a threshold level, i.e., when there are a considerable amount of harmful gases present in the air, including CO2, smoke, alcohol, benzene, and NH3. It will show the air quality in PPM (Parts per Million) on the LCD and as well as on android apps or a web page for facilitating the monitoring activities. It is noteworthy to mention that they had previously qualified for the top 10 in “Innovation for Smart City” challenge. We would like to congratulate the team and wish them every success in their life.

Winners of Basis National ICT Awards 2020 –
