"A week-long virtual Mother Language Fest 2021" at Green University of Bangladesh. | Green University of Bangladesh

“A week-long virtual Mother Language Fest 2021” at Green University of Bangladesh.




Every year, 21st February is observed as the International Mother Language Day worldwide under the recognition of UNESCO.  The day marks the historic Language Movement of 1952, when several unarmed civilians of present-day Bangladesh sacrificed their lives to uphold the dignity of their mother tongue Bangla. In line with that spirit and to honour the struggles and sacrifices of our fearless martyrs, a week-long virtual Mother Language Fest 2021 is being organized at the Green University of Bangladesh. The aim of this fest is to uphold the spirit of the Language Movement of 1952 by embracing and celebrating linguistic diversity with a particular focus on Bangladesh.


All of you are cordially invited to this event.

Schedule of events to be live streamed on Facebook
Day 1 (Opening Ceremony): Saturday, 20 February 2021, 07:00 PM (BST)
Join URL: https://bdren.zoom.us/j/65794948519
Session ID: 65794948519
Day 2 (International Students’ Symposium): Sunday, 21 February 2021, 07:00 PM (BST)
Join URL: https://bdren.zoom.us/j/64620515963
Session ID: 64620515963
Day 3 (Literary Adda: Bangladeshi Oral Literatures): Wednesday, 23 February 2021, 05:00 PM (BST)

Join URL: https://bdren.zoom.us/j/64353018576

Session ID: 64353018576

Day 4 ( প্রমিত বাংলা বানান কুইজ প্রতিযোগিতা ): Thursday, 25 February 2021, 07:00 PM (BST)

Join URL: https://bdren.zoom.us/j/64465257397
Session ID: 64465257397
Day 5 (Panel DIscussion): Friday, 26 February 2021,  07:00 PM (BST)
Join URL: https://bdren.zoom.us/j/62474851099
Session ID: 62474851099