1. MSc in Textile Engineering (Ongoing)
Field of speciaization : Apparel Engineering, Bangladesh University of Textiles
2. BSc in Textile Engineering
Field of speciaization : Apparel Engineering, Bangladesh University of Textiles
1. Lecturer, Department of Textile Engineering, Green University of Bangladesh (June, 2021-present)
2. Trainee Executive, Marketing & Merchandising Dept., Esquire Knit Composite Ltd.(September, 2020- January, 2021)
3. Intern, Merchandising Dept. ZXY International Ltd. (February, 2020- May, 2020)
Journal paper
1. Mehnaz Jebin, Helal, M. M., Kaikobad, M., Uddin, M. M., & Rahman, M. M. (2024). Evaluation of Performance Enhancement in Garment Industry Using Lean Tools. GUB Journal of Science and Engineering, 10(1), 27–36. https://doi.org/10.3329/gubjse.v10i1.74943
Conference paper
1. Mehnaz Jebin1*, Md. Mazharul Helal1, Md. Kaikobad1, *, Md Mutasim Uddin1 and Md. Mahbubur Rahman1, “ Performance Analysis of Lean Tools Implementation in Garment Industry: A Case Study,” 2022 4th International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI), 17-18 December 2022, Dhaka.
2. Md. Kaikobad1, *, Md. Omar Faruque1, Mehnaz Jebin1, Suraiya Ireen1, and Md. Mahbubur Rahman1, “Effect of Elastane on Physical Properties of Double Jersey Knit Fabric for Active Wear,” 2022 4th International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI), 17-18 December 2022, Dhaka.
3. Faijun Farin, Mehnaz Jebin, Md. Kaikobad, Md. Sherazul Islam, Md. Mazharul Helal, Md Mutasim Uddin and Md. Mahbubur Rahman, “Eco Friendly Alternatives of Thickening Agents Extracted from Natural Sources in Textile Printing”, 2023 5 th IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Technologies forIndustry 5.0 (STI), 09-10 December, Dhaka.
4. Md Nafis Hossain, Md. Kaikobad, Mehnaz Jebin, Faijun Farin, Md. Mahbubur Rahman, Md. Mazharul Helal, Md Mutasim Uddin, “Denim Wash Using Natural Reagents: A Focus towards Sustainability & Environment Friendly”, 2023 5 th IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Technologies forIndustry 5.0 (STI), 09-10 December, Dhaka.
5. Mazharul Helal∗, Md. Mahbubur Rahman∗, Md. Mutasim Uddin∗, Mehnaz Jebin∗, Md. Kaikobad∗, Faijun Farin∗, Md. Mubashwir Moshwan∗, Md. Sherazul Islam, ” Tracking the Effectiveness of a Lean Tool CalledSMED in Reducing Production Time on the SewingFloor – A Case Study”, 2023 5 th IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Technologies forIndustry 5.0 (STI), 09-10 December, Dhaka.
6. Md Mutasim Uddin 1 *, Md. Mahbubur Rahman 1 , Nusrat Jahan Mousumi 1 , Md. Sherazul Islam 1 ,Md. Mazharul Helal 1 , Mr. Md. Kaikobad 1 , Ishmam Ibnul Arabi 1 , Mehnaz Jebin 1 , Ms. Faijun Farin 1 ,“ Dyeing Performance Evaluation of Cotton Fabric Dyed in Ethanol-water Mixture: A SustainableGreen Dyeing Approach”, 2023 5 th IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Technologies forIndustry 5.0 (STI), 09-10 December, Dhaka.
Research Interests:-
1. Nanotechnology in Textiles
2. Smart textiles
2. Sustainability in Textiles
3. Circular fashion & Circular economy
Related Training Experience:
1. “Certificate Course on Teaching & Learning” by GUCETL, Green University of Bangladesh