Dr. Md. Shamim Mondol | Green University of Bangladesh

Dr. Md. Shamim Mondol

Associate Professor

PhD in Literature

Dept. of English

Jagannath University


MA in Applied Linguistics and ELT

Dept. of English

University of Dhaka


BA (Hons) in English

Dept. of English

University of Dhaka  



National University

1.       Name of the Employer/Organization:




Monipur High School

Assistant Teacher

June 30 2002 – January 31, 2013

2.      Name of the Employer/Organization:




Prime University, Bangladesh

Lecturer, Senior Lecturer & Assistant Professor

February 1, 2013 – January 31, 2016























i. Articles

1.                  Habib, Ahsan and Mondol, Md. Shamim. (2022). Emergence of Female Agency Within and Beyond: A Study on A Doll’s House and Agunpakhi, Green University Review of Social Sciences, Volume 08, Issue 02. pp. 33-42.

2.                  Mondol, Md. Shamim. (2022). Performing Authorship in Shrabon Megher Din, Green University Review of Social Sciences, Volume 08, Issue 01. pp. 51-60.

3.                Mondol, Md. Shamim., Khan, Dr. Mohammad Afzal Hossain. and Hossain, Mostafa Tofayel. (2022). Protest Through Collective Consciousness in Nirmalendu Goon’s “Swadhinata, Ei Shobodota Kibhabe Amader Holo”. LangLit, Vol 8, I 3. Pp. 1-7.

4.               Mondol, Md. Shamim., Khan, Dr. Mohammad Afzal Hossain. and Muniruzzaman, M. (2022). Jibanananda Das’s “Aat Bochor Ager Ekdin” (“A Day Before Eight Years”): A Reportage on an Alienated Soul. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, Vol 5, I 6. pp. 118-124

5.                  Mondol, Md. Shamim. and Islam, Md Samiul (2021). Walking as Space Making by Humayun Ahmed’s Himu. Green University Review of Social Sciences, Volume 07, Issue 01 & 02. pp. 201-207.

6.                  Jahan, N., Rahman, M.A., Mohiuddin, M.G., Mansur, A.A., Habib, A., and Mondol, Md. Shamim. (2021). Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Study: Assessing Reading Habits of University Students in Bangladesh, International Journal of Social, Political and Economic Research, Vol-8, I 2, pp. 327-340  

7.                  Mondol, Md. Shamim. and Mohiuddin, Golam Mohammad. (2020). Confronting Covid-19 with a Paradigm Shift in Teaching and Learning: A Study on Online Education. International Journal of Social, Political and Economic Research, Vol 7, I 2, 2020, pp. 231-247

8.                  Khan, Dr. Mohammad Afzal Hossain. and Mondol, Md. Shamim. (2020). Goon’s Glorification of 21st February through Reinterpretation of History. Green University Review of Social Sciences, Volume 06, Issue 02, December-2020. pp. 53-61.

9.                  Mondol, Md. Shamim. (2019) Home as a Site of Resistance: A Study on Agunpakhi by Hasan Azizul Huq, CenRaPS Journal of Social Sciences, Vol 2, Issue 2, July 2020. pp. 269-280

10.            Mondol, Md. Shamim. (2019) Jibanananda Das’s Aesthetics in Beautiful Bengal: An Eco-critical Study, Green University Review of Social Sciences, Volume 05, Issue 02, December-2019. pp. 103-114.

11.     Kabir, K.M. Wazed. and Mondol, Md. Shamim. (2019) Margayyas Meteoric Rise and Catastrophic Downfall: An Entrepreneurial Consideration of The Financial Expert by R. K. Narayan. Scholars International Journal of Linguistics and Literature, February 2019; 2(1): 610

12.              Kabir, K.M. Wazed. and Mondol, Md. Shamim. (2018) Syed Waliullah’s Tree Without Roots: An Existential Reading, Journal of History and Civilization, Vol-2, 2018.  

13.              Mondol, Md. Shamim. (2018) Portrayal of a Mental Journey Through Defense Mechanisms to Maturity: A Psychoanalytical Study of Chader Amabasya by Syed Waliullah, Research Journal of English (RJOE), Vol3, Issue4,2018 pp. 304-313 

14.              Kabir, K.M. Wazed. and Mondol, Md. Shamim. (2018) Syed Waliullah’s Tree Without Roots: An Existential Reading, Green University Review of Social Sciences, Volume 04, Issue 01, June-2018. 

15.              Mondol, Md. Shamim. (2018) Nondito Noroke by Humayun Ahmed: Documenting the Lower Middle-Class Life by an Artist, LangLit. Vol.5, Issue-2, 2018. pp.460-465.

16.              Mondol, Md. Shamim. (2018) Humayun Ahmed’s Gouripur Junction: A Saga of Unforgiving Realities and Perpetual Uncertainties of the Marginalized People, Journal of Literature, Languages and Linguistics, Vol 51 (2018) pp. 80-85

17.              Mondol, Md. Shamim and Kabir, K.M. Wazed (2018) Portraying the Plight of a Nation Through a Sketch: Humayun Ahmed’s Concerns in Himur Ache Jol, Journal of English Language and Literature (JOELL), Vol-5, Issue-4, 2018. pp. 115-121.

18.              Mondol, Md. Shamim. and Kabir, K.M. Wazed. (2018) In Search of a Psychic Reflection of a Poet: A Psychoanalytical Study of “Ulysses” by Alfred Tennyson, Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL), Vol-6, Issue-4, 2018. pp. 308-313.

19.              Kabir, K.M. Wazed. and Mondol, Md. Shamim. (2018) Dreaming a Better World through Literature: Positive Psychology in the Select Short Stories of Humayun Ahmed, American International Journal of Social Science Research, Vol. 3, No. 1; 2018. pp.48-52

20.           Mondol, Md. Shamim. (2017) Delineating Reality with Lived Experiences: A Consideration of Select Short Stories of Hasan Azizul Huq, Green University Review of Social Sciences, Volume 03, Issue 02, December-2017. pp. 158-170.

21.              Mondol, Md. Shamim. (2015) “Exploring Jhumpa Lahiri’s Ecoconsciousness through an Ecocritical Study of The Lowland”, International journal of English Language, Literature & Humanities, pp.190-198

22.              Khanam, Shahanaz, Hossain, Sazzad. and Mondol, Md. Shamim. “The Role of Schema for Effective EFL Reading Comprehension” ASA University Review, Vol-08, No. 1(14th issue), Jan-June 2014, pg.83-93.

23.              Mondol, Md. Shamim. Khanam, Shahanaz. and Hossain, Sazzad. (2014) “Ngugi wa Thiong’o’s Weep Not, Child: An Ecocritical Study”, JELLiC:Journal of English Language, Literature and Culture, Vol-03, No. 2.  pg.81-93.

24.              Mondol, Md. Shamim. (2015) “George Orwell’s Dire Criticism: Reconsidering Shooting an Elephant against Benign Studies”, Development Compilation, Vol-11, No-1, pp. 65-72.

25.           Mondol, Md. Shamim. (2015) “Exploring Jhumpa Lahiri’s Ecoconsciousness through an Ecocritical Study of The Lowland”, International journal of English Language, Literature & Humanities, Volume II, Issue X. pp.190-198. 


ii.                  Conference Attended

I attended the following national and international conferences and presented papers:

1.                4th International Conference on English Studies and the Marketplace organized by Department of English, East West University from February 19 to20, 2016 and presented a paper titled “Jibanananda Das’s Beautiful Bengal: An Eco-critical Study”

2.               International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL) 2016 organized by Centre for Pedagogy, Independent University and presented a paper titled “Exploring the Potentials in Tradition and Culture in Learning and Teaching English: A Different Approach”

3.                International Conference on Magic and Literature organized by Department of English and Humanities, University of Liberal Arts, Bangladesh from May 27 to 28, 2016 and presented a paper titled “Exploring Humayun’s Himu and his Magic” and another joint with Md. Rakib Uddin titled “Showcasing Females in the Magic Shows: Does It Develop or Drown the Female Position”

4.                23rd International Conference of NELTA held in Kathmundu on February 15-17, 2018 and presented a paper titled “Accelerating Teaching-Learning and the Uses of Englishes in the Classroom” and another joint paper along with K. M. Wazed Kabir and Mohammad Golam Mohiuddin titled “Leveraging Students’ Profiles for Conducive Environment in Classrooms and Beyond”

5.                  National conference on Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Bangladesh: Educational Responses, Challenges and Possibilities held on 31 March-1 April 2018 organized by the Institute of Education and Research (IER), the University of Dhaka and presented a paper.

6.                Second International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL) held on July 28, 2018 organized by the School of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and the Centre for Pedagogy (CP) at Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) and presented two papers titled “Expediting Teaching Through Using Popular Culture: A Study at Green University of Bangladesh” and “Paying Equal Attention to Students: A Way to Academic Excellence” 

7.               27th MELTA International Conference on Changing the Game: English Language in Education 4.0 held on 18th-20th August, 2018, organized by MELTA in Johor Bahru and presented two papers titled “Language Learning Through Literature: A Socio-cultural Consideration in Bangladesh” and “In-service Professional Development Training at Tertiary Level: An Effective Way to Excellence” 

8.            International Conference on Innovation and Transformation for Development- 2022 held on 29-30 October, 2022, organized by the Faculty of Business Studies, Law and Arts and Social Sciences, Green University of Bangladesh, and presented three papers titled “Critiquing Chitra Nadir Pare as a Narrative on the Partition of Bengal” jointly written with Md. Akash and with the same author, another paper titled “Liquid Love in Ahmed Sofa’s Novel Ordhek Nari Ordhek Iswari” and “Rabindranath Tagore’s Shesher Kabita: An Advanced Thought on Human Relation” with Md. Samiul Islam

9.                BELTA National Conference 2023 on Rethinking English Language Teaching Learning Practices held on November 25, 2023 organized by Jashore University of Science and Technology (JUST) and presented a paper titled “Positive Psychology in Language Teaching and Learning” 

10.        2nd International Conference on Refugee, Resistance and Recognition: Global Literary Representations in (Post) post-colonial Perspectives held on February 24-25, 2023 organized by the Department of English, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology and presented a paper title “Migration, Marginality, and Multitude in The Ministry of Utmost Happiness”

11.             3rd International Conference (ICEHG 2024) on Environmental Hazards and Gender Issues: (Re)imagining Literature, Language, and Culture of the Global South held on 16-17 February, 2024 organized by the Department of English, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology and presented a paper titled “Reading Sabitri Upakkhan for Atonement on the Part of Patriarchy”

12.          2nd TESOL Society of Bangladesh International Conference on TESOL in Transition (IR): 4th Industrial Revolution for (4IR) and Beyond held on 9-10 February, 2024 at the International Mother Language Institute and presented a paper titled “Homeplace in Teaching and Learning English”


13.          National Conference 2024 on Critical-Effective Pedagogy for Bangladesh: Teaching Language, Literature, Cultural Studies and Communication in English Studies held on 24-25 May, 2024 organized by the Department of English, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh and presented a paper titled “Teaching-Learning Literature and Well-being of Learners at the University Level” 

     iii.                    Books

  1. Mondol, Md. Shamim. (2018). Kala Chamra Dhola Mukhosh, a Bangla translation of Frantz Fanon’s Black Skin White Mask, Tridha.
  2. Mondol, Md. Shamim. (2018). The Breadwinner by Deborah Elis translated into Bangla from English, Prokriti.
  3. Mondol, Md. Shamim. (2018). Samokalin Jibon (The Life of Today’s World), a collection of ‘Commonwealth Short Story Prize’ winning stories translated from English to Bangla, Dhaka. Katha Prokash.
  4. Mondol, Md. Shamim. (2016). The Guide, a novel of R K Narayan (translated into Bangla from English), Dhaka: Katha Prokash.
  5. Mondol, Md. Shamim. (2015). R K Narayaner Nirbachita Srestha Choto Golpo, a collection of short stories (translated into Bangla from English), Dhaka: Katha Prokash.
  6. Bandapaddhaya, K., Zahid,S. and  Mondol, Md. Shamim.( 2014).Ouponibeshikotar Mukhosh Ummochon (Bangla translation of Discourse on Colonialism by Aime Cesaire) with Kajal and Sazzad, Dhaka: Prokriti.
  7. Mondol, Md. Shamim. (2014). Afrikar Chokhei, (In the Eye of Africa), a collection of African short stories (translated into Bangla). Dhaka. Katha Prokash.
  8. Mondol, Md. Shamim. (2014). Kedo Na, Bacha, a novel (translated from Ngugi wa Thiong’o’s Weep Not, Child), Dhaka: Prokriti.
  9. Mondol, Md. Shamim. (2014) Swapno-Dusswapner Dinratri (Days and Nights of Dreams and Bad Dreams) a collection of poems. Dhaka. Prokriti.
  10. Mondol, Md. Shamim. (2013) Ochena Apan (The Unknown Dear One), a collection of short stories. Dhaka. Ankur Prokashoni.
  11. Mondol, Md. Shamim. and Haque, M.F. (2002) How to Read English Newspaper. Dhaka: Professors Prokahson.



Working on a research project of The Planning Ministry, People’s Republic of Bangladesh 

1. Member Secretary, 3rd International Conference on Innovation and Transformation for Development ITD 2024

2. Associate Editor, Green Review of Social Sciences from December 2016-till date

3. Moderator of English Club from February 2016-June 2022

4. Edited a magazine named Onuccharito Swar published by Department of English, Green University of Bangladesh