Prof. Dr. M Shahidullah | Green University of Bangladesh

Prof. Dr. M Shahidullah

Dean (FASS) & Chairperson

Pennsyllvania state University, USA

Post-Doctoral Research, 2009

University of Pune, India

Ph.D. in English (English Language Teaching), 1998

Thames Valley University, London

M.A. in  English Language Teaching, 1994

University of Sydney, Australia

Post-Graduate Diploma in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, 1987

Rajshahi University

M. A. in English, 1981

Rajshahi University

B.A. (Hons.), 1978

Govt. Edward College, Pabna

H. S. C (Humanities), 1974

Pabna Zilla School

S.S.C (Humanities), 1972

Further Training: Attended a three month training programme on ELT materials and course book design at the College of St. Mark and St. John, Plymouth, England from September to December 1999.


Senior Visiting Fullbright Fellowship: 2008-2009 April at the Department of Applied Linguistics, Penn State Uinersity, University Park Campus, Pennsylvania, U.S.A..



Professor and Chairperson, Department of English, Green University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, from 1 July 2022 till date.

  • Professor, Department of English, Rajshahi University, January 2005 30 June 2022 .
  • Professor of English, East West University, since 18 September 2004 to December 2004.
  • Professor of English at Rajshahi University from 18  March 2000 to 10 September 2000.
  • Associate Professor of English, Rajshahi University from 18 October 1994 to 17 March 2000.
  • Assistant Professor of English at the Rajshahi University from 28 March 1986 to 17 October 1994.
  • Lecturer in English at Rajshahi University, Bangladesh from 27 March 1983 to 27 March 1986.
  • Lecturer in English at Pabna Cadet College, Pabna.  (From 25 January 1982 t0 27 March 1983) 

Administrative Positions Held

  • Director, Institute of English and Other Languages, University of Rajshahi, 10 October 2018—till date.
  • Director, Institute of Bangladesh Studies (IBS), Rajshahi University, 27 July 2012 to 26 July 2015. .
  • Dean, Faculty of Arts, Rajshahi University, 12 April 2010 to 11 April 2012.
  • Chairperson, Department of English, Rajshahi University. 1 March 2007 to 28 February 2010.
  • Chairperson, Department of English, East West University, Dhaka from 1 January 2001 to 17 September 2004.
  • House Tutor, Madar Baksh Hall, University of Rajshahi, 1988 to 1991.

Elected Positions Held

  • Member, Steering Committee, Pro-liberation War Teachers’ Forum, RU. 4 March 2021 till date.
  • President, Rajshahi University Teachers’ Association.  April 2016 to Apri-2017
  • Senate Member, Rajshahi University, 2012 till 2016.
  • Dean, Faculty of Arts, Rajshahi University, 12 April 2010 to 11 April 2012.
  • Senate  Member, Rajshahi University.1999-2003.
  • Member, Steering Committee of the Pro-liberation war Teachers’ Forum,   Rajshahi University, 2010-2012.
  • Joint Secretary, Rajshahi University Teachers’ Association, 1998-1999.
  • Member, Rajshahi University Teachers’  Association, 1992-1993
  • Member, Steering Committee of the Pro-liberation War Teachers’ Forum, Rajshahi University, 1988 to 1994.

Other Positions Held :

  • Member, Academic Council, National University, Gazipur, 2017- till date.
  • Member, Faculty of Arts, Khulna University.
  • Member, Faculty of Arts, Islamic University, Kushtia, 2017  till date.
  • Member, Faculty of Arts, Khulna University, 2016-2018.
  • Member,  Academic Council, Jatiya Kabi Kazi Narul University from 2013 to 2016.
  • Senate Member, Chittagong University, 2012-2015.

Membership of Professional Organizations

  • Member IATEFL( International Association of the Teachers of English as a Foreign Language), from 2005, till date.
  • Member Asia TEFL and Director, Internal affairs for Bangladesh, of Asia TEFL  from 2007 till date.
  • General Secretary, Bangladesh English Language Teachers’ Association (BELTA), 2003-2004
  • Vice President, Bangladesh English Language Teachers’ Association (BELTA)2004 till date
  • Regional Co-ordinator of BELTA Rajshahi Chapter from June 2007 till date.


List of Publications:

  1. Cultures, Values, Ideologies and Identity Issues in English Language Teaching. Paper presented at SUST International Conference titled Titled Border, Identity and Diaspora, 7-8 January 2022
  2. Is CLT a Myth or Reality in Bangladesh? Praxis, Department of English REsearch Journal, 2021.
  3. Are Learning Cultures Mutually Exclusive or Negotiable?:A Study on Asian Students at Penn state University, U.S.A. Accepted for publication in the forthcoming issue of Praxis, Journal of the Department of English, Rajshahi University.
  4. Learning style preference of Learners in Bangladesh, IBS Journal, 2018.
  5. Is CLT a Myth or Reality in Bangladesh, Accepted for publication in the forthcoming issue of Praxis, Journal of the Department of English, Rajshahi University.
  6. ELT and the Empire: Talkng/Writing Back.  Postmethod, Journal of the Institute of Modern Languages, Jagannath University, Dhaka.
  7. Historical Contexts, New Realities f the Present Time and Ways Forward for English Studies in Bangladesh. In Fakrul Alam ,Mohmmad Shahriar Haque and Zohur Ahmed(ed.), English Studies and the Marketplace. Dhaka: East West University, 2018.
  8. Communicative English Grammar for Classes IX-X, Dhaka:NCTB, 2016.
  9. “ Between Englishes: English in the World, and Implications for ELT in Bangladesh”, Chaos,  Independent University Journal, Dhaka.  2015.
  10. “English Studies in Bangladesh: Quest for a new Pedagogy”In Abdullah Al Mamun and Masud Akhter (ed.) Literature, History and Culture. Rajshahi: Department of English.2014.
  11. “University English: monolingual and multilingual Perspectives”, In Multilingual Theory and Practice in Applied Linguistics: Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the British  Association for Applied Linguistics, University of Southampton,  6-8 September 2012.
  12. “ Target needs of  English for University Education and the English Textbooks up to Class XII: An Evaluation.”,  The East West University Journal, vol 1. Issue 2, 2008.
  13. “From Communicative Competence to Communicative Language Teaching:: Cultural Context of Origin and Clash of Cultures in Other Contexts”,  The Metropolitan University Journal, vol. 1, Issue 1, 2007.
  14. “Problems Encountered with Communicative Language Teaching in Afro-Asian and latin-American Contexts: A Critical Review”, Praxis, Journal of the Department of English, Rajshahi University, vol. 3, April, 2008.
  15. Significance of Teaching-Learning Situation in Language Learning and an Empirical Survey of the Teaching-Learning Situation in Bangladesh. Harvest, Jahangirnagar Studies in Language and Literature. vol 19, 2004
  16. “Learning Style Preference of Learners in Bangladesh and Its Implication for Teaching English in Bangladesh”.  Journal of the Asiatic Society. June 2003.
  17. “Developments in Learning Theories, and the Concept of Appropriate ELT Pedagogy”, Panini, the Journal of North-South University, Dhaka. November, 2002.
  18. “Diversity in the Teaching Learning Cultures of ELT Contexts and Its Implications for ELT Programmes”, Harvest, Journal of the Department of English, Jahangirnagar University, vol.7. 2001-2002.
  19. A Historical Survey of the Teaching-Learning Culture of Indo-Pak-Bangladesh Sub-continent. Rajshahi University Studies, Rajshahi, Bangladesh, 2001.
  20. Norms in ELT: The Shifting Focus and Implications for Bangladesh, ELT 200: Directions and Orientations, International ELT Seminar Proceedings (Sponsored by British Council and held at Rajshahi University 31 January-1 February 2000).
  21. Genre Theory and Teaching the Reading of Literature, Rajshahi University Studies,2000.
  22. A Norms in ELT: The Shifting Focus and Implications for Bangladesh, ELT 200: Directions and Orientations, International ELT Seminar Proceedings (Sponsored by British Council and held at Rajshahi University 31 January-1 February 2000).
  23. Towards an Appropriate Methodology for ELT in Bangladesh. Paper presented in the International ELTIP Conference, British Council, Dhaka (31 January to 2  February 1999).).
  24. Basic Paradigms of ELT and their Limitations, Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Rajshahi University, 1998.
  25. Socio-cultural Variables of Learners and Language Learning, Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Rajshahi University, 1998.
  26. ESP and the Concept of Needs Analysis: Usefulness and Constraints. Praxis, Journal of the Department of English, Rajshahi University.1997.
  27. Product and Process Views of Reading and their Pedagogical Implications, Rajshahi University Studies, 1995-1996.
  28. Influence of Nineteenth Century English Fiction on the Rise and Growth of Bengali Novel. Journal of the Institute of Bangladesh Studies, Rajshahi University, 1994.
  29. Nineteenth Century Popular English Fiction, Rajshahi University Studies, 1992-1993.
  30. Life and Works of G.W.M. Reynolds, Praxis, Journal of the Department of English, Rajshahi University, 1992.
  31. The Use of Literature in Language Teaching, Rajshahi University Studies, 1991.
  32. Socio-Psycholinguistics and Communicative Language Teaching. Rajshahi University Studies, 1990.
  33. Contrastive Analysis of English and Bengali Phonologies.  Journal of the Institute of Bangladesh Studies, Rajshahi University, 1988.
  34. wk¶v ms¯‹vi cÖm½, wk¶vevZ©v, 3q e©l, 3q msL¨v, 1990|
  35. evsjv‡`‡k Bs‡iRx wk¶v, wk¶vevZ©v, 5g e©l, 1g msL¨v I 2q msL¨v, 1992|
  36. A‡÷ªjxq mvwn‡Z¨i msw¶ß cwiwPwZ: KweZv, m`i~wÏb Avn‡g`, m¤cvw`Z wek¦mvwnZ¨, 2q el©, 1g msL¨v, 1988|
  37. A‡÷ªjxq mvwn‡Z¨i msw¶ß cwiwPwZ: Dcb¨vm, m`i~wÏb Avn‡g`, m¤cvw`Z wek¦mvwnZ¨, 3q el©, 1g msL¨v, 1989|
  38. A‡÷ªjxq mvwn‡Z¨i msw¶ß cwiwPwZ: †QvUMí, m`i~wÏb Avn‡g`, m¤cvw`Z wek¦mvwnZ¨, 4_© el©, 1g msL¨v, 1990|
  39. evsjv‡`‡k Bs‡iRx fvlv wk¶v Kvh©µg I wKQ cÖm½ K_v, wk¶vevZ©v, 1999 (2q msL¨v), evsjv‡`k, XvKv|


1.      English For  Today for Clasases XI-XII., NCTB,2015.

2.      Writing Effective Paragraphs. Dhaka: Albatross Publications, 2008.

3.      Co-authored Today’s English: Grammar and Composition. Dhaka: The Atlas Publishing House. 2007.

4.      English For Today, for Classes XI-XII, NCTB, 2000.

5.      Written two chapters, one each for Part-I and Part-II of the Bangladesh Open University H.S.C. English Textbook.1998.

6.  English Grammar, Class 6 and IX-X, NCTB, Bangladesh.


Published 52 newspaper articles on different aspects of ELT in the Weekly Holiday between 2002 and 2003.


Scholarships and Awards

1.   Fulbright Senior Research Fellowship (October 2008 to March 2009).

2.   British Council Scholarship for Post Graduate Certificate Programme in English Text Book Writing,         College of St Mark and St John ( Now University of Marjon), Plymouth, England.

3.    British Council Scholarship under the DFID funded TCTP Programme, a scholarship for an MA degree   in ELT  at Thames Valley University, London, from September 1992 to October 1993.

4.   Indian Govt. Scholarship ( ICCR-Indian Council for Cultural Relations programme), for Ph.D., from September 1994 to July1997.

5.   ADAB (Australian Development Assistance Bureau) Scholarship under Colombo Plan, for a Diploma at Sydney University, from September 1986 to December 1987.

Professional Conferences Attended

1. Presented a Paper as Plenary Speaker at SUST International Conference titled Border, Identity and Diaspora, 7-8 January 2022

2. Presented a paper titled Context and culture sensitive Pedagogy for ELT in Bangladesh” at the IUB National Conference, Dhaka, January 2016. 

3. Attended BELTA International Seminar 2015  at NAEM, Dhaka and presented a paper titled “Local, Global, culture and Context in H.S.C. Textbook: An Evaluation”

4. Attended and presented a paper  titled “ ELT research in Bangladesh” at BELTA 6th International Conference, 18-20 January 2013.

5. Attended IATEFL Brighton Conference 2011 in England and presented a paper on “problems of cross cultural learning: a study of Asian Students attending American Universities”.

6. Attended a British Council workshop held at British Council, Dhaka on “Strengthening of Teachers’ Organizations Globally”.2006

7. Presented a paper titled Currents of Change in English Studies: Myth and Reality in Bangladesh in an international Conference sponsored by and held at East West University, Dhaka, 15 & 16 April 2006.

8. Presented a paper titled “Evaluation of the English Text Books up to class XII in Bangladesh” in the International BELTA seminar held in British Council, Dhaka , 14-16 September 2005.

9. Presented a paper on “Myth and Reality of CLT in Bangladesh” in the BELTA International Seminar in Dhaka. 2005.

10. Presented a paper titled “CLT, Grammar and Literature: Old Issues Revisited” in the National BELTA seminar held in British Council, Dhaka, 15-16 July 2004.

11. Attended a workshop of the teachers of English in Bangladesh, British Council, Dhaka, 14 February 2001.

12. Between Englishes: English in the World and Choices for Bangladesh. Paper presented in the 6th Biennial conference of the Department of Dhaka. ( 17-18 February 1999

13. International Conference of the teachers of English, British Council Dhaka, 31 January-2nd February 1999.

14. International Workshop on ‘State of the art of ELT’ held at the CIEFL (Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages), Hyderabad, India, from 10 to 18 June 1995. Sponsored by Indian Council for Cultural Relations.

15. A British Council sponsored workshop on ‘Interactive Process of Textbook writing’ held at the University of  Pune, India  from 15 to 18 December 1994.

16. IATEFL (International association of the Teachers of English as a Foreign Language) Conference, University of Swansea, Cardiff, Wales, U.K., 18-21 March 1993. Sponsored by British Council, Manchester.

17. World Applied Linguistics Conference, Sydney University, Sydney, Australia, February 18-21, 1987., Sponsored by Australian Development Assistance Bureau.

18. BELTA International Conference 2022, held at ULAB, Dhaka.


19. Presented Keynote Paper at a conference at Daffodil International University, Dhaka. 2022.

Editor of Journals/Books

(1)   Working as Chief Editor, Rajshahi University Studies, Volume A (Arts and Law), June 2019 –till date.

(2)   Communicative English Grammar  for Class VI, NCTB, Dhaka, 2016.

(3)   Bangladesh Public Policy Analysis, Institute of Bangladesh Studies, 2015.

(4)   Worked as Chief Editor of the Journal of the Institute of Bangladesh Studies, Rajshahi University from 2012-2015.

(5)   Worked as Chief Editor of the Journal of the Faculty of Arts for two Years (2010-2012).


Experience in organizing Conference

BELTA National Conference, 2014, at Rajshahi University.

Organised an International Seminar on “From Bengal Renaissance to the Emergence of Bangladesh” organised by the Institute of Bangladesh Studies, Rajshahi University. 2013.

Organized the First ever Alumni Reunion of the Department of English, Rajshahi University in February 2010.

BELTA National Conference at Rajshahi University, 15-16 July 2004.

A National Seminar on “English Language Teaching in Bangladesh: The Current Issues” organized by East West University on 1 August 2003. (While working as Head of the Department of English, East West University, Dhaka.

An international Conference titled ELT 2000: Direction and Orientations held at Rajshahi University, 31 January -1 February, 2000.