● Master of Science in Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE)
Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology (AUST)
Graduated year: 2024
● Bachelor of Science in Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE)
American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB).
Graduating Year: 2014
● Higher Secondary School Certificate, Science.
Chittagong College, Chittagong Board, Bangladesh.
Academic Year: 2007-2009.
● Secondary School Certificate, Science.
Chittagong Government High School, Chittagong Board, Bangladesh.
Academic Year: 2005-2006.
SL. No. |
Organization Name & Address |
Duration |
Designation |
Duties and Responsibilities |
1. |
Green University of Bangladesh. |
January 2020 to present
Lecturer (Senior Level) |
Based on Outcome based Education system (OBE): Preparing lecture sheets, delivering lectures, taking laboratory courses, preparing lab manuals, supervising projects and thesis etc. |
2. |
European University of Bangladesh |
February 2019 to November, 2019
Senior Lecturer, Dept. of EEE. |
Preparing lecture sheets, delivering lectures, taking laboratory courses, preparing lab manuals, supervising projects and thesis etc. |
3. |
European University of Bangladesh (EUB) Address: 2/4, Gabtoli, Mirpur Dhaka-1216. |
February 2016 to February 2019 |
Lecturer and Course coordinator, Dept. of EEE |
As a Lecturer: Preparing lecture sheets, delivering lectures, taking laboratory courses, preparing lab manuals, supervising projects and thesis etc. |
As a course coordinator: Preparing teaching plan, preparing class schedule, teachers work load distribution, Project/Thesis monitoring, Lab facility improvement, academic /administrative duties assigned by authority. |
4. |
Project management and Engineering Consultant (PROMEC) Address: House-32/34 (2nd floor), Road-19, Nikunjo-02, Khilkhet, Dhaka-1229. |
January 2015 to November 2015
Design Engineer (Electrical) |
As a design engineer, I had to design electrical wiring layouts in AUTOCAD for commercial and Industrial buildings, Substation design, Fire protection and detection system design, evacuation planning, security system planning and preparing BOQ of projects etc. |
Part Time Job Experience. |
3. |
Sonargaon University Address: 147/I, Green Road, Tejgaon, Dhaka |
September, 2018 to December 2018
Adjunct. Faculty member |
Courses taught: 1. Electrical Circuit-01 (DC) 2. Electrical circuit-02 (AC) 3. Control Systems-1 Laboratory. |
IEEE Conference Proceedings (International):
1. M. M. Rahman, S. Barua, S.T. Zohora, K. Hasan, T. Aziz “Voltage Sensitivity Based Site Selection for PHEV Charging Station in Commercial Distribution System” presented in “The 5th IEEE PES Asia Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference 2013 (IEEE PES APPEEC 2013)” Kowloon, Hong Kong.[Indexed in IEEE xplore].
2. Sourav Barua, Asif Ahmed chowdhury, Nur-e-Tanjim, Arif chowdhury, Saju Banik, Md. Saiful Islam, “Modelling and Analytical Studies on Graphene Based Supercapacitor Comparing with Traditional Batteries” presented in “2nd International conference on Electrical Engineering and Information & Communication Technology (ICEEICT 2015)” Jahangir nagar university (JU), Dhaka.[Indexed in IEEE xplore].
3. Sourav Barua, Chowdhury Akram Hossain, Md. Mahfuzur Rahman “Optimization of Grid-Tied Distributed Microgrid System with EV charging facility for the stadiums of Bangladesh” presented in “2nd International conference on Electrical Engineering and Information & Communication Technology (ICEEICT 2015)” Jahangir nagar university (JU), Dhaka.[Indexed in IEEE xplore].
4. Sourav Barua, Meer shadman shafkat Tanjim, Ashrafun Nushra oishi, Sudeb Chandra das, Md. Abul bashar “Design and Implementation of Fire Extinguishing Ball Thrower Quadcopter” in the proceedings of IEEE TENSYMP 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh.[Indexed in IEEE xplore].
5. Meer Shadman Shafkat Tanjim, Shoyeb Ahammad Rafi, Ashrafun Nushra Oishi, Sourav Barua, Hridoy Chandra Dey, Md. Rony Babu “Image Processing Intelligence Analysis for Robo-Res 1.0: A Part of Humanoid Rescue-Robot” in the proceedings of IEEE TENSYMP 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh.[Indexed in IEEE xplore].
6. Meer shadman shafkat Tanjim, Shoyeb Ahammad Rafi, Ashrafun Nushra Oishi, Sourav Barua, Md. Imran Hossain “FRIQ 1.0: A Guided Quadcopter to Inject Retardant Fluid or Gas Aerially into the Fire Affected Zone” in the proceedings of “2020 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI 2020)”, 19-20 December, Green University of Bangladesh, Dhaka.[Indexed in IEEE xplore].
7. Ashrafun Nushra Oishi, Meer shadman shafkat Tanjim, Minar Mahmud Palash, Sourav Barua, Md. Rashel Sarkar, Shoyeb Ahammad Rafi “Cyclic task based affordable robot for medicine-intake purpose of COVID-19 patient” in the Proceedings of “2nd International conference on robotics, electrical and signal processing techniques (ICREST 2021) ” American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB), Dhaka, Bangladesh.[Indexed in IEEE xplore].
8. Md. Tariqul Islam, Hasan Maruf, ASM Shihavuddin, Ratil H Ashique, Sourav Barua, Fayzur Rahman “Modeling and Analysis of High Frequency Magnetic Link-Based 11 kV Asymmetric 21 Level Inverter for Solar Photovoltaic System” in the proceedings of “2021 IEEE Industrial Electronics and applications conference (IEACon 2021)” 22-23 November 2021, Malaysia.[Indexed in IEEE xplore].
9. Md. Tariqul Islam, Fayzur Rahman, Sourav Barua, ASM shihavuddin, Hasan Maruf, Ratil H Ashique “Harmonic Reduction of Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter Using Advanced Level Shifted Pulse Width Modulation Technique” in the proceedings of “International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Information Technology 2021 (ICECIT 2021)” September 14-16, 2021, Khulna University, Bangladesh.
10.Md. Tariqul Islam, Md. Fayzur Rahman, Hasan Maruf, Sourav Barua, Hady Habib, Harun Roshid “Performance Analysis of Trapezoidal Carrier Based Modulation Techniques in Multilevel Inverter for Grid Integrated Solar Photovoltaic System” in the proceedings of “3rd International Conference on Electrical & Electronic Engineering(ICEEE 2021)” Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET), Rajshahi, Bangladesh.[Indexed in IEEE xplore].
11. Sourav Barua, Meer shadman shafkat Tanjim, Rimon aditta roy, Ashrafun Nushra Oishi, Nirupam Das, Saju Banik “Soil Condition Monitoring Affordable System Using 32-bit MCU & GSM Protocol to Automate Irrigation System of Bangladesh” in the proceedings of “International Conference on Recent Progresses in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICRPSET 2022)”, 26-27 December, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh [Indexed in IEEE xplore].
12. Kamrul Hasan, Muhammad Murtadha Othman, Molla Shahadat Hossain Lipu, Ratil H. Ashique, Sourav Barua and Ahmed Al Mansur “A Dynamic Voltage Restorer Based on Self-Regulated Tuning Filter-DQ Algorithm for Complex Power Quality Problems Compensation” in the proceedings of “2023-5th International conference on sustainable technologies for Industry 5.0 (STI 2023)”, Dhaka, Bangladesh. [Indexed in IEEE xplore].
13. Zakaria Hossain Noushad, Moshiur Rahman, Fazzle Rabbi, Molla Shahadat Hossain Lipu, Sourav Barua, Tuhibur Rahman and Md. Tariqul Islam “Vertical Axis Wind Turbine on Highway Application in Bangladesh: Design and Performance Assessment” in the proceedings of “2023-5th International conference on sustainable technologies for Industry 5.0 (STI 2023)”, Dhaka, Bangladesh. [Indexed in IEEE xplore].
14. Bibekananda Nath, Forhad Ahmed, Md. Tahlil Ameen, Md. Mahbub Miah, Md. Sakibzaman, Kawshik Nath and Sourav Barua “Exploring the potentiality of BiOBr as an absorber material for the perovskite solar cell” in the proceedings of “2023-5th International conference on sustainable technologies for Industry 5.0 (STI 2023)”, Dhaka, Bangladesh. [Indexed in IEEE xplore].
15. Sourav Barua, Tareq Aziz “Design and Analysis of 21 level Symmetric Multilevel Inverter for Direct Grid Integration of Solar Photovoltaic systems” in the proceedings of “10th International Conference on Power systems (ICPS 2023)” December 13-15, 2023, Coxsbazar, Bangladesh [Indexed in IEEE xplore].
16. Sourav Barua, Molla Shahadat Hossain Lipu, Md. Ashiqur Rahman “Optimizing DC Motor Control via Leader Harris Hawks Algorithm with ITSE-ZLG Objective Function” in the proceedings of “10th International Conference on Power systems (ICPS 2023)” December 13-15, 2023, Coxsbazar, Bangladesh [Indexed in IEEE xplore].
17. Sourav Barua, Hasibur Rahman, Anisur Rahman, Ahmed Al Mansur, ASM Shihavuddin “Performance Analysis of a Solar Panel Cleaning Autonomous Robot (SPCR) with comparative study” in the proceedings of “26th International Conference on computer and Information Technology (ICCIT 2023)” December 13-15, 2023, Cox’sbazar, Bangladesh [Indexed in IEEE xplore ].
18. Sourav Barua, Tareq Aziz, “Performance Analysis of a Modified Three Phase Symmetric Five Level Inverter For Renewable Energy Applications” in the proceedings of “3rd International Conference on power, control and computing technologies (ICPC2T 2024)” 18-20 January 2024, NIT, Raipur India. [Indexed in IEEE xplore].
Journal papers (International):
1. M.M. Rahman, Sourav Barua and Mushfiqur Rahman “Hybrid Distributed Renewable Power (HDRP) Generation for Rural Area: Bangladesh Perspective” published in “International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering (IJSER)” volume 5; Issue 10; October- 2014(ISSN 2229-5518) (Indexed in IJSER Library) (Impact factor 4.4, Q4).
2. Sourav Barua & Md. Mahfuzur Rahman “Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Integrated Standalone Microgrid System (SMS) for Hatiya Island, Bangladesh” published in “ Journal of Energy, Environment and carbon credits (JoEECC)”, Volume-5; Issue–1, Pages 1–8; ISSN: 2249- 8621(online).[Indexed in JoEECC’s (stm journal) Archive, Impact factor 4.3, Q4].
3. Sourav Barua, Nirupam Das “Internet of things (IoT)based Underground cable fault detection by using raspberry pi and Arduino interfaced with blynk server” published in the “Journal of Web Engineering & Technology (JoWET)” ISSN: 2455-1880, Vol.08, Issue-01, 2021. [Impact factor: 4.456, Q4]
4. Sourav Barua, Meer shadman shafkat Tanjim, Ashrafun Nushra Oishi, Md. Helal Uddin, Md. Zobayed, Shaik Forhad “Four Vital Data Focused ICU-Patient Monitoring System using 32-bit SoC and IoT Protocol” published of “Journal of Web Engineering & Technology (JoWET)” ISSN: 2455-1880, Vol.08, Issue-01, 2021. [Impact factor: 4.456, Q4]
5. D. Magdalin Mary, C. Kumar, Felix Joseph Xavier, Sara A. Rashad, Hady H. Fayek ,Naganthini Ravichandran and Sourav Barua “Fuzzy PI Control of Trapezoidal Back EMF Brushless DC Motor Drive Based on the Position Control Optimization Technique” Hindawi Mathematical Problems in Engineering Volume 2022, Article ID 4605449, 14 pages [https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/4605449] [Impact factor 1.430, Q2]
6.Kumar, C., Lakshmanan, M., Jaisiva, S., Prabaakaran, K., Barua, S., Fayek, H.H.“Reactive power control in renewable rich power grids: A literature review” IET Renewable Power Generation. 1–25 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1049/rpg2.12674 [Impact factor 3.034, Q2]
7. Palanivelu, S.J., Radhakrishnan, S.K., Chandrasekaran, K., Barua, S.,Fayek, H.H, “Energy efficient IPC based dual compression for endurance enhancement of NVRAMas main memory in embedded devices”. IET Commun.1–11 (2023) [https://doi.org/10.1049/cmu2.12625] [Q2 Journal; Impact factor: 1.345]
8. Umapathi Krishnamoorthy, Gobichettipalyam Shanmugam Satheesh Kumar, S. Barua, Hady Habib Fayek “Investigation of Active Cell Balancing performance for Series Connected Lithium Ion Cells in Electric Vehicle applications” Published in IET Power Electronics [Q1 Journal; impact factor: 2.112]
9. M Sivaram Krishnan, N Kathirvel, C Kumar, S. Barua, “Power management for fuel-cell electric vehicle using Hybrid SHO CSGNN approach” published in Energy reports, Elsevier Vol.11, pp-6069-6082. [Q2 Journal , Impact factor: 4.7]
1. Research Excellence Award 2024
Awarded by-Center for research, innovation and Transformation (CRIT), Green University of Bangladesh.
2.Best paper award in “5th International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 5.0 (STI 2023)”, December 09-10, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
3. Research award 2023
Awarded by-Center for research, innovation and Transformation (CRIT), Green University of Bangladesh.
4. Full free scholarship for obtaining A+ in all subjects.
Secondary school certificate examination, 2007
5. Srijoni utshahomulok primary scholarship, 1999
Achieved first grade scholarship.
1. Plug in Hybrid Electric vehicles (PHEV) Charging Impact on grid.
2. Smart Grid Technology.
3. Renewable Energy Integration.
4. Power systems stability.
5. Digital systems design with VHDL, Verilog and FPGA.
6. Internet of things (IoT) and Robotics.
Reviewer :
1. Reviewer of “International conference on Robotics, Electrical and signal processing techniques 2019 (ICREST 2019)” held in American International university-Bangladesh (AIUB), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
2. Reviewer of “5th International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICAEE) 2019” held in Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Professional Training:
Course Name |
Institution |
Topics covered |
Professional Tools |
Duration |
1.“Electrical Services for Buildings and Industries”
Engineering Staff College, A corporate body of Institute of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB). |
1. Wiring for commercial buildings 2. Industrial wiring design analysis 3. Requirements for electrical wiring |
AutoCAD |
3 days |
2. “PLC, HMI, VFI, Panel Control & Process Instrumentation”. |
International Automation Technology (IAT), Sector 03, Uttara, Dhaka |
1. Programming of Siemens S7-200, S7-300, Mitsubishi, and Omron. 2. Human machine interface programming and operation. 3. Variable frequency inverter drive (servomotor). 4. Testing of SCR, 3 phase IGBT, 3 phase rectifier, DC-DC converter, pressure gauge, optocoupler etc. 5. Industrial Inverter SIEMENS MICROMASTER 420. |
1. Logo soft comfort. 2. CX Developer. 3. MITSUBISHI GX- Developer. 4. Power Factory. 5. SIMATIC Manager (Siemens S7-300) 6. Microwin (Siemens S7-200) 7. HMI-proface |
45 days |
3. “Teaching methodologies”
European University of Bangladesh. |
Teacher centered methods, learner centered methods, content focused methods, Interactive methods, Lecture method, preparation and delivery of a lecture, qualities of a good lecture. |
2 days |
4. “Transactional Analysis.
European University of Bangladesh. |
The Psychology of Relationships, Modern transactional analysis theory, etc.
2 days |
5. Certificate course on Teaching and learning. |
Green University of Bangladesh. |
4 months |
Supervised Projects :
1. Foujia afroze, Md. Faysal Ibne Mizan, Md. Abdur Rahim, Md. Monjurul Islam “Star Delta Control Panel Wiring with Electrical Interlock & Reverse Forward Motor Rotation” enrolled in Spring-2017.
2. Ripon roy, shahidul islam, aslam raihan “Design and Implementation of Automatic load control system based on PLC and SCADA Interfaced module”. Enrolled in Fall 2017.
3. Md. Belal Hossain, Md. Jahidul Islam, Kazi Iqbal Hossain Roni, Md. Mahidul Islam “Design and Implementation of Internet of things based (IoT) load control strategy to minimize power loss in public places” enrolled in spring 2018.
4. Md. Halal Uddin, shaik Forhad, Md. Zobayed, Shirina Akter “Design and Implementation of Internet of things (IOT) Based ICU Patient monitoring system” (On going).
5. Md. Rabiul Islam, Abu Sina, Md. Anwar Parvez, Md. Mahi Uddin, Sourav Barua “ Design and Implementation of Internet of things (IoT) based underground cable fault detection” .
Extra Curricular activities :
1. Industrial Tours (i) Hydroelectric Power plant, Kaptai, Rangamati.
(ii) Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission, Savar, Dhaka.
(iii) Ashuganj Power station Company limited.
2. Arranged and conducted a seminar on “Smart Grid Technology and applications” in March 2019 in an event named “EUB TECHNOVISION 2019”.
3. Runners up of “Inter university cricket tournament and European Premier League 2019”.
4. Chief Program Coordinator of an annual event held in European University of Bangladesh named “EUB TECHNOVISION 2019” sponsored by a renowned multinational company “Walton Home appliances”.
5. Attended a Webinar on “IEEE guide to Autonomous Vehicle Technology 2019”.
6. Attended webinar on ” Electric Vehicle charging in HOMER Microgrid” in 2020.
7. Attended a workshop on “Academic Leadership and Management 2020” [key facilitator: Professor Golam Samdani Fakir, Vice chancellor, Green University of Bangladesh].