Mr. Mohammad Asif Ul Haq | Green University of Bangladesh

Mr. Mohammad Asif Ul Haq

Assistant Professor

  • PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (In Progress)
    • Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET), Rajshahi
    • Research Area: Renewable Energy
    • Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Md. Rafiqul Islam Sheikh, Vice Chancellor, RUET


  • Master of Engineering (Electrical)
    • Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor, Malaysia
    • Thesis Title: Improving Energy Saving Evaluation In Lighting Using Daylight Utilization With Area Segregation Technique
    • Mode of study: Full research mode (M.Phil. Equivalent)
    • Year of completion: 2015


  • BSc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    • Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Dhaka
    • Achievements: Received tuition waivers from the university on multiple occasions for outstanding scores
    • Year of completion: 2010

1. Assistant Professor

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Green University of Bangladesh

(October 2021 – Present)


2. Lecturer (Senior Level)

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Green University of Bangladesh

(July 2019 – September 2021)


3. Lecturer

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

City University

(April 2017 – July 2019)


4. IELTS Teacher


(November 2015 – March 2017)


5. Field Coordinator

SRG Bangladesh Limited (SRGB)

(January 2016 – September 2016)


·         Training and developing country-wide field teams for data collection for various types of qualitative and quantitative studies. These studies are performed on behalf of various international and national agencies such as World Bank, ADB, USAID as well as Bangladesh Govt.

·         Coordinating activities of field teams to ensure effective and efficient implementation of project activities.

·         Maintaining constant liaison between on-field staff and project management.


6. Research Student

Center of Electrical Energy Systems (CEES), Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)

(October 2013 – October 2014)


·         Working under the project “An Algorithm For Optimizing Various Demand Side Management (DSM) Technologies To Reduce Buildings’ Electricity Consumption”, sponsored by The Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA), Malaysia.

·         Performing research on Energy Efficiency in Electrical systems. Exploring possibilities of improving the energy consumption scenario in buildings, specifically in universities.

·         Key focuses of research: Energy Efficiency Index (EEI), energy efficient lighting systems, lighting control schemes, lighting design, daylight-linked lighting control, Demand Side Management (DSM).


7. Lecturer (Part-time)

Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology

(October 2011 – April 2012)


8. Junior Consultant

Contractor: Rahimafrooz Renewable Energy Ltd.

(September 2011 – December 2011)


Performing Walk-Through Energy Audit for a prominent ready-made garment factory under the Energy Saving Initiative Project of German Development Cooperation (GIZ).The report outlined improvement opportunities in various sectors of the factory such as Lighting, Compressed Air System, Power Generation and Supply, Steam Generation and Distribution etc. in terms of energy and cost savings and reduction in carbon emission, providing guidelines for overall improvement of energy efficiency through better energy management.


9. Intern

Rahimafrooz Renewable Energy Ltd.

(January 2011 – July 2011)


·       Performing Walk-Through Energy Audit for two RMG factories.

·       Providing support in designing of solar power solutions for telecom BTS sites located in off-grid areas.

·       Creating tender documents for participation in solar power projects of various government institutions.

Journal Publications:

1.    A Review On Lighting Control Technologies in Commercial Buildings, Their Performance and Affecting Factors

Journal: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier), February 28, 2014.

Impact Factor: 12.11, Citations:150+

2.    Enhanced Energy Savings in Indoor Environments with Effective Daylight Utilization and Area Segregation

Journal: Symmetry (MDPI, Switzerland), August 2020.

Impact Factor: 2.645

3.    Adaptation for Sustainable and Workable Implementation of Smart Grid in Developing Countries like Bangladesh

Journal: Energy Reports (Elsevier), September 2020.

Impact Factor: 3.595

4. Image Based Surface Damage Detection of Renewable Energy Installations Using A Unified Deep              Learning Approach

       Journal: Energy Reports (Elsevier), July 2021. Impact Factor: 6.87

5. Exergy based Evaluation of Power Plants for Sustainability and Economic Performance                           Identification

       Journal: Case Studies in Thermal Engineering (Elsevier), August 2021. Impact Factor: 4.724

6. An Analysis and Modelling of the Class-E Inverter for ZVS/ZVDS at Any Duty Ratio with High Input Ripple Current

Journal: Electronics (MDPI, Switzerland), May 2021. Impact Factor: 2.397

7.    Determining the most Sensitive Socio-economic Parameters for Quantitative Risk Assessment

Journal: Climate (MDPI, Switzerland), August 2019.

8.    Experimental Investigation of PV Array Interconnection Topologies at Nonuniform Aging Condition for Power Maximization

Journal: GUB Journal of Science and Engineering, October 2020.

9.    Computing Adaptation Demand and Deficiency to Minimize Risks in Climatic Hotspots applying Nonlinear Programming (Under Review)

Journal:  International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology (Taylor & Francis UK).


Conference Presentations:

1.    A Method for Evaluating Energy Saving Potential in Lighting from Daylight Utilization

Conference: IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECON 2014), 1-3 December, Kuching Sarawak, Malaysia.

2.    Energy Saving in Lighting from T5 Lamp Retrofits – A Case Study

Conference: IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD), 16 -17 December 2013, Putrajaya, Malaysia.


3.    Investigation of PV Modules Electrical Characteristics for Laboratory Experiments using Halogen Solar Simulator

Conference: 2020 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI), 19-20 December 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


4.    A Novel Family of Class EFnm and E/Fnm Inverter for Improved Efficiency

Conference: 2020 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI), 19-20 December 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh.




  • Research Publication Award 2021Center for Research Innovation and Transformation (CRIT), Green University of Bangladesh (GUB). 

Mohammad Asif ul Haq focuses his research in the fields of Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy and Sustainability. He acquired his Masters by research in the field of Energy and Demand Side Management. Besides his full time position as a Lecturer and Program Coordinator at Green University of Bangladesh, he is also pursuing his PhD in the field of Renewable Energy. He has several publications in renowned journals and also presented his work in prestigious international conferences.

Mohammad has several years of experience as a university academic, where he fulfilled responsibilities both as a teacher and an administrator. Apart from his academic experiences, he is internationally certified and experienced in Industrial Energy Auditing. He has performed Energy Audits in multiple factories in Bangladesh and provided his consultancy to reduce energy consumption. He is also internationally certified in KNX Building Automation technology and is an enlisted KNX Partner. During the 2013-15 period he worked in a research project for The Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA) of Malaysia.

Research Interests:

·       Energy Efficiency – Enthusiastic about exploring and implementing lucrative energy improvement measures to ensure better energy and cost savings and also reducing carbon emission.


·       Building and Industrial Automation – Acquired official KNX Partner Certificate issued by KNX Association (Belgium) after theoretical and hands-on training as well as written and practical examinations.

 ·      Renewable Energy Systems – Have a great interest in renewable and sustainable energy research.

Professional Certifications:

• KNX Partner Certificate – KNX Association (Belgium)

• Training of Trainers (ToT) Program on Investment Grade Energy Audit – GIZ (Germany)

• Programming of PLC for Industrial Automation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting of PLC system – Engineering Staff College, Bangladesh (Corporate body of IEB)