Mr. Khan Rahmat Ullah | Green University of Bangladesh

Mr. Khan Rahmat Ullah

Assistant Professor & Program Coordinator (Eve 1)

1. Program’s Name     : Master of Philosophy (M.Phil)

Institution                  :  University of Malaya, Malaysia

Concentration           :   Power System (RE)

Passing Year              :  November, 2014


2. Program’s Name : Bachelor of Science in Engineering

Institution               : Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh

Concentration        :  Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Passing Year             : May, 2010

Oct, 2015 – present

Working as an Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator in the department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Green University of Bangladesh (GUB).


Jul, 2015 – Sep, 2015

Worked as a Part-time Lecturer in the department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Green University of Bangladesh (GUB).


Sep, 2012 – Jul, 2015

Worked as a Research Assistant at the University of Malaya, Malaysia in the High Impact Research Grant of Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE), Malaysia – funded research project “Hybrid Solar Energy Research Suitable for Rural Electrification”.


Feb, 2011 – Sep, 2012

Working as a Lecturer in the department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Prime University (PU), Bangladesh.


Oct, 2010 – Sep, 2012

Worked as a Part-time Lecturer in the department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

  1.       Shezan SA, Julai S, Kibria MA, K. R. Ullah , Saidur R, Chong WT, Akikur RK, Performance Analysis of an off-grid Wind-PV-Diesel-Battery Hybrid Energy System Feasible for Remote Areas. Journal of Cleaner Production (2016), doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.03.014. (Elsevier )
  2. R. K. Akikur, R. Saidur , K. R. Ullah, S. A. Hajimolana, H. W. Ping, M. A. Hussain, Economic feasibility analysis of a solar energy and solid oxide fuel cell-based cogeneration system in Malaysia. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy: p. 1-19, October 2015. (Springer)
  3. SK.A. Shezan, R. Saidur, K. R. Ullah, A. Hossain, W.T. Chong, S. Julai, Feasibility analysis of a hybrid off-grid wind–DG-battery energy system for the eco-tourism remote areas. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy: p. 1-14, June 2015. (Springer)
  4. K.R. Ullah, R.K. Akikur, H.W. Ping, R. Saidur , S. A. Hajimolana, M. A. Hussain. An experimental investigation on a single tubular SOFC for renewable energy based cogeneration system. Energy Conversion and Management, 94: p. 139-149, January 2015. (Elsevier)
  5. R. K. Akikur, R. Saidur, H. W. Ping, and K. R. Ullah, “Performance analysis of a co-generation system using solar energy and SOFC technology,” Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 79, pp. 415-430, 2014. (Elsevier)
  6. K.R. Ullah, R. Saidur , H.W. Ping, R.K. Akikur, N.H. Shuvo, A Review on Solar Thermal Refrigeration and Cooling Methods, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Review, Volume 24, Pages 499–513, August 2013. (Elsevier)
  7. R.K. Akikur, R. Saidur , H.W. Ping, K.R. Ullah, Comparative study of stand-alone and hybrid solar energy systems suitable for off-grid rural electrification: A review, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Review, Volume 27, Pages 738–752,  November 2013. (Elsevier)
  8. K. R. Ullah, R. K. Akikur, H. W. Ping, R. Saidur, S. A. Hajimolana, and M. A. Hussain, “An experimental investigation of a co-generation energy system using a tubular SOFC: A renewable energy solution for power and heat,” in Green Energy for Sustainable Development (ICUE), 2014 International Conference and Utility Exhibition on, 2014, pp. 1-5. (IEEE Explore)
  9. R.K. Akikur, K.R. Ullah, H.W. Ping, R. Saidur, (2014), Application of Solar Energy and Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cell in a Co-Generation System. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 134-138.
  10. K.R. Ullah, M. Thirugnanasambandam, R.K. Akikur, R. Saidur, H.W. Ping, M. Riaz. Analysis of energy use and energy savings of a condiment industry in India. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. (Under Review)
  11. SK. A. Shezan, K. R. Ullah, W.T. Chong, R. Saidur,Techno-Economic and Feasibility analysis of a smart grid Wind-Diesel Generator-Battery Hybrid Energy System for Offshore Islands. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology. (Under Review)
  12. S.K.A. Shezan, A. Hossain, R. Saidur, K.R. Ullah, W.T. Chong. A complete off-grid PV-Diesel-Battery Hybrid Energy System with feasibility analysis, system modeling and Optimization: A case Study for Southern region of Malaysia. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy. (Under Review)

Achieved University of Malaya High Impact Research Bright Spark Programme (BSP) Offer in 2015 for excellent research capability and ISI-Q1 publications.

Achieved University of Malaya High Impact Research Bright Spark Programme (BSP) Offer in 2015 for excellent research capability and ISI-Q1 publications.

Teaching Interest:

a) Electrical Circuits

b) Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Power

c) Power System protection

d) Power Plant Engineering

e) Power Electronics

f) Electrical Properties of Materials


Miscellaneous Information:

·     # Good at Cricket, Badminton and Football

·     #  Hobby for reading books and riding bicycle