Wahia Tasnim | Green University of Bangladesh

Wahia Tasnim

Lecturer (Contractual)

M.Sc. Engineering in ICT, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
2023 – present
B.Sc. in ICT, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University (MBSTU)
2016 – 2021

CGPA 3.88/4.00

Lecturer, CSE,Green University of Bangladesh, 08-2022 – present


Comprehensive Bioinformatics and Machine Learning Analysis for Breast Cancer Staging Using the TCGA Dataset

Status: Accepted in Briefings in Bioinformatics – Oxford Academic (Q1, IF: 6.8)

Status: Published In The FEBS OPEN BIO (Q2, SCOPUS, SCIE, IF: 2.6, CS: 4.7), Wiley Journal, On FEB 25, 2024

Published in: 2023 5th International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 5.0 (STI)

Uncovering Biomarkers and Pathways in Gallbladder Cancer: A Bioinformatics and Machine Learning Perspective

Submitted in : Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine Update(Q1, IF: 4.9)

An integrative systems biology and bioinformatics approach to detect molecular pathways and signatures shared by ovarian cancer and breast cancer

Submitted as B.Sc. Thesis Book


Merit scholarship in university as a topper of the batch for four consecutive years.

Ada Lovelace National Girls’ Programming Contest 2020

10th, MBSTU_Turning_Point

NSU Inter University Girls Programming Contest 2019

7th, MBSTU_Turning_Point

National Girls Programming Contest 2019

14th, MBSTU_Turning_Point

NSU Inter University Girls Programming Contest 2018


National Girls Programming Contest 2018


National Girls Programming Contest 2017



Research Interests

  • Bioinformatics

  • Machine Learning

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Optical communications


Tic Toc Toe Game

This is a graphically enhanced tic-tac-toe game written in the C programming language. It’s a simple two-player game where two players alternately mark X or 0 in a 3×3 grid. To win the game, one has to complete a pair of 3 symbols in a line, and that can be a horizontal line, a vertical line, or a diagonal line.

Result Management System

It’s a basic result management system created with the PHP programming language. This application displays students’ academic results based on data stored in a MySQL database.


National Girls Programming Camp 2017

Grace Hopper Girls Programming camp 2017


Web Design and Development, LEDP

Co-curricular Activities

Worked for training department juniors to prepare them for competitive programming.