Ms. Sharmin Alam | Green University of Bangladesh

Ms. Sharmin Alam

Senior Lecturer

M.S. in Pure Mathematics, University of Dhaka

B.S. (Hon’s) in Mathematics, University of Dhaka

Lecturer at the Dept. of CSE in the Green University of Bangladesh from 01 August, 2013 to 30 April, 2018.

Now currently serving as a Senior Lecturer (Mathematics) since 01 May, 2018.

1) “Study of Von Neumann Continuous Regular Rings.” M. Asadujjaman and sharmin Alam. GUB Journal of Science and Engineering (GUBJSE), ISSN: 2409-0476, Volume 03, Issue 01; December-2016.

2) “Numerical Simulation that provides non-oscillatory solutions for Porous Medium Equation and Error Approximation of Boussinesq’s equation.” S. M. Atiqur Rahman Chowdhury, Ashish Barmon, Sharmin Alam, MariaAkter.Universal Journal of Computational Mathematics 5(2): 25-33, 2017.

3) “Study of Von Neumann Abelian Regular Rings”. Md. Asadujjaman, Sharmin Alam, Umme Ruman and Shamima Islam. GUB Journal of Science and Engineering (GUBJSE), ISSN: 2409-0476, Volume 7, Issue 1, Dec 2020.

4) “Mathematical Analysis to Mitigate the Infections of the Diseases using Optimal Control Strategy”. Samiha Islam Tanni, Md. Robiul Islam, Md. Shorif Hossan, Sharmin Alam, Tanzila Yeasmin Nilu. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistical Analysis, Volume 2, Issue 2, DOI:

5) “Approximate Shortest Distance and Direction between two Places on the Spherical

Earth and the Oblate Spherical Earth”. Md. Humayun Kabir, Umme Ruman, Sharmin Alam, Shamima Islam, Jakia Sultana and Md. Monirul Islam. GUB Journal of Science and Engineering, Volume 08, Issue 01, December 2021.

Group Theory, Ring Theory, Number Theory

Operation Research
