Mr. Arnab Rahman Chowdhury | Green University of Bangladesh

Mr. Arnab Rahman Chowdhury

Lecturer (On Study Leave)

B.Sc. Engineering in Computer Science & Engineering

Islamic University of Technology (IUT).

1. Designation: Intern

Organization: XeonBD Limited

Duration: Nov-Dec 2016 (1 month)

2. Designation: Assistant Programmer

Organization: Islamic University of Technology

Duration: Dec-April 2017 (5 months)

3. Designation: Lecturer

Organization: Green University of Bangladesh

Duration: May-Present

1. Title: EXPRESSit: Interactive Messaging via Gestures

Authors: Md. Zubair Ibne Alam, Arnab Rahman, Mehedi Hassan, Hasan Mahmud, Md. Kamrul Hasan

Research Field: Human-Computer Interaction

Conference: ICCIT 2016: The 19th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology


2. Title: MAES: Modified AES for Recourse Constraint Environments

Authors: Arnab Rahman, Junayed Mahmud, Abu Raihan Mostofa Kamal, Md. Abdul Hamid

Research Field: Internet of Things Security

Conference: IEEE Sensor Application Symposium (SAS), 2018

  1. Received 4 years OIC scholarship (2012)
  2. Received 4 years Government Scholarship for HSC result (2012)
  3. Received 2 years Government Scholarship for SSC result (2010)
  4. Received 2 years Junior Scholarship awarded by Bangladesh Govt. (2008)

Internet of Things (IOT), Cloud Computing, Wireless Sensor Network, Network Security, Human Computer Interaction