B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) | Green University of Bangladesh

B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

The rapid advancement in science and technology around the globe produced the maximum demand of quality graduates in Computer Science and Engineering. To maintain the pace with this burgeoning arena of computer science and engineering, it is becoming an important discipline of engineering studies. Now-a-days it has become our responsibility to develop human resource in this area with the initiative taken by both public and private sectors.

Objective and Goal

Founded in 2003, the Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) Department of GUB continues to lead the nation in research and education with a clear objective to produce quality graduates. A combination of highly qualified faculty members and state-of-the-art facilities are in the process of establishing the department as one of the leading and prestigious CSE departments of the country. The competency of the department should be evident from the achievement of the alumni. The CSE department is working heart and soul to create a brand value both in industrial and academic sectors in home and abroad.

Bachelor of Science degree requires one student to undergo several fundamental and core courses of this arena. And to keep pace with the state-of-the-art research some advanced courses are also included in the undergraduate program. Apart from these courses, one needs to study the interdisciplinary courses which are equally important for the graduates in any discipline. In the final year, one student should focus on a particular area to conduct a Thesis/Project which will test abilities to maximum and to provide the best blend of technical knowledge and professional guidance. Additionally there will be a good number of short courses, seminars and academic contests during the regular study period.


Three credit hours are assigned to a theory course if there are three hours lecture in a week. A class period for theory course will have a duration of 90 minutes. One credit of lab course will have a minimum of 2 hours of actual lab works in a week.

Degree Requirement

Completion of minimum 144 credit hours.

Passing of all courses individually and maintaining a minimum CGPA of 2.00.