Dr. Muhammad Aminur Rahaman | Green University of Bangladesh

Dr. Muhammad Aminur Rahaman


Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Dhaka

M.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering, Islamic University

B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering, Islamic University

PGD in Journalism, Press Institute of Bangladesh (PIB)



  • Chairperson, Dept. of CSE (31 July 2023 to present)

  • Director, Permanent Campus, GUB (1 November 2021 to 30 July 2023)

  • Program Coordinator, Dept. of CSE (10 January 2019 to 31 October 2021)

  • Industry Experience (10+ years)

  • OBE Experts (OBE-based curriculums design and implementation)

  • Achievements of several research grants and awards

  • Regional Contest Director, 2022 ICPC Asia Dhaka Regional Contest 

  • Senior Member of IEEE, IEEE CS, IEEE RSC, IEEE YP

  • Publication Chair and TPC Co-Chair, STI (2019 to present)

  • Publication Coordinator, IEEE CS BDC (ExCom 2021,2022)

  • Conference and Workshop Coordinator, IEEE CS BDC (ExCom 2023)

  • Conference Coordinator, IEEE CS BDC (ExCom 2024)

  • Branch Counselor, IEEE GUB Student Branch (2019 to Present)


Current Status:


  1. Position : Associate Professor

Employer : Green University of Bangladesh

Department : Computer Science and Engineering

Period : 21 October 2021 to present  

Taught Courses: Software Engineering (Theory and Lab), Software Quality Assurance (Theory), Object Oriented Programming (Theory and Lab), Pattern Recognition (Theory and Lab), Computer Graphics (Theory and Lab),  Compiler Design etc.

Responsibilities: To conduct classes at undergraduate levels, OBE implementation, different course design, syllabus and curriculum updates, supervising thesis and project works, and performing different administrative duties like Director of Permanent Campus, Gradually Development of the Permanent Campus, IEEE Activities with the student branch and chapters, organizing seminar and workshop, different purchasing committees.


  1. Additional Responsibility : Chairman

Employer : Green University of Bangladesh

Department : Computer Science and Engineering

Period : 31 July 2023 to present  

Responsibilities: Performing all administrative and academic responsibilities related to the Department of CSE of the Green University of Bangladesh.


Employment History:


  1. Position : Assistant Professor

Employer : Green University of Bangladesh

Department : Computer Science and Engineering

Period : 4th September 2018 to 21 October 2021 (More than 3 years)  

Taught Courses: Software Engineering (Theory and Lab), Software Quality Assurance (Theory), Object Oriented Programming (Theory and Lab), Pattern Recognition (Theory and Lab), Computer Graphics (Theory and Lab),  Compiler Design etc.

Responsibilities: To conduct classes at undergraduate levels, supervising research thesis and projects, and performing administrative duties in student advising, organizing seminar and workshop, different purchasing and OBE based syllabus committees.


  1. Position : PhD Research Fellow

Research Title : Computer Vision Based Bangla Sign Language Recognition.

Funding : Funded and supported by the Information and Communication    Technology Division (ICTD), Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and IT, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Md. Hasanuzzaman and Prof. Dr. Md. Haider Ali

Department : Computer Science and Engineering

Employer : University of Dhaka

Period : 24 February 2010 to 3rd September 2018 (about 8.5 years)

Responsibilities: Completion of course works, research study and publishing quality research papers on various fields of computer vision, image processing and pattern recognition, etc.


  1. Position : Software Engineer

Department : Software design and Testing

Organization : Worldgaon (Pvt.) Ltd

Period : 17th July 2008 to 23 February 2010 (about 1.5 years)

Responsibilities: Requirement analysis, various types of software systems design based on user requirements, system testing and quality assurance, project monitoring and control, and project team forming and leading, etc.


Administrative Leaderships and Additional Responsibilities:


  1. Position : Director of Permanent Campus

Employer : Green University of Bangladesh

Department : Permanent Campus of the Green University of Bangladesh

Period : 1 November 2021 to 30 July 2023  

Responsibilities: Performing all administrative and academic responsibilities related to the permanent campus of the Green University of Bangladesh, Monitoring and tracking the gradual Development of the Permanent Campus.


  1. Position : Program Coordinator

Employer : Green University of Bangladesh

Department : Computer Science and Engineering

Period : 10 January 2019 to 31 October 2021  

Responsibilities: Course offering, Course assignment, and load distributions, Student handling for their course advising, Credit equivalence for credit transfer students, Class and exam routine preparation, Exam committee works, etc.  


Other Experiences:

  1. Position : Founder Director

Department : Software Design and Testing

Organization : Worldgaon (Pvt.) Ltd.

Period : 17th July 2008 to 3rd September 2018 (10+ years)

Responsibilities: Software design and testing, Project Management, Recruitment and skills assessment of employees, representing the company in different professional organizations such as BCS, BASIS, IP & EP, Dhaka Chamber, etc.


  1. Position : Deputy Editor (Evening Shift)

Department : Editorial, Makeup and Printing

Organization : The Saptahik Deshojo

Period : 1st August 2008 to 30th March 2011 (about 2 years and 8 months)

Responsibilities: Deputy Editorial writing, Reports editing, Article writing, Makeup and Printing, etc.


  1. Position : Campus Representative

Department : Reporting

Organization : The Weekly Onusandhan, Rajbari

Period : 3rd June 1996 – 31th December 1999 (about 3 years and 7 months)

Responsibilities: Report collecting and writing, interviewing etc.

Editorial Board Members and Peer Reviewer (Service to the Community)

  1. Deputy Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Material and Mathematical Sciences (From 15 January 2020)

  2. Associate Editor, GUB Journal of Science and Engineering (2019 to Present)

  3. Editorial Board Member, Asian Journal of Computer Science and Technology (AJCST) (From 2019 January to present)

  4. Peer Reviewer, IEEE Access

  5. Peer Reviewer, Multimedia Tools and Applications

  6. Peer Reviewer, Neural Processing Letters, Springer

  7. Peer Reviewer, Lingua, Elsevier

  8. Peer Reviewer, Applied Sciences, MDPI

  9. Peer Reviewer, Sensors, MDPI

  10. Peer Reviewer, Mathematics, MDPI

  11. Peer Reviewer, Journal of Information Processing Systems (JIPS), Korea Information Processing Society (KIPS)

Conference Organizing Committee Members (Service to the Community)

  1. Publication Chair, International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI 2019, STI 2020, STI 2021, STI 2022, STI 2023)

  2. TPC Co-Chair, International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI) (STI 2019, STI 2020, STI 2021, STI 2022, STI 2023)

  3. Publication Committee and TPC Member, International Conference on Next-Generation Computing, IoT and Machine Learning (NCIM 2023) organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur, Bangladesh on June 16-17, 2023

  4. Registration Chair, IEEE R10CS International Conference on Computing, Applications and Systems (COMPAS 2023), November 25-26, 2023, Dhaka, Bangladesh

  5. TPC Member, International Conference on Science & Contemporary Technologies (ICSCT 2021), Dhaka, Bangladesh

  6. TPC Member, International Conference on Automation, Control and Mechatronics for Industry 4.0 (ICACMI 2021), Rajshahi, Bangladesh

  7. TPC Member, International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Information Technology 2021 (ICECIT 2021), Khulna Bangladesh

  8. Track Chair (AI, IOT and Computer Vision), TPC, IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP) 2020

  9. Session Chair, 2nd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques 2021 (ICREST 2021)

  10. Session Chair, IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter Summer Symposium (IEEE CS BDC SS), 2021, 2022

  11. Publication Committee, IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter Summer Symposium (IEEE CS BDC SS), 2021, 2022, 2023

  12. Member, DhakaAI-2020 Organizing Committee, 2020

  13. Peer Reviewer, International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Technology (ICIET2018)

  14. Peer Reviewer, International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Technology (ICIET2019)

  15. Peer Reviewer, International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI 2019, STI 2020, STI 2021)

  16. Peer Reviewer, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Information, Communication & Systems (SPICSCON)

  17. Peer Reviewer, IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP) 2020 

  18. Peer Reviewer, 3rd Annual Conference on Electronics and Communication Engineering (ICECE 2020)

  19. Peer Reviewer, 2nd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques 2021 (ICREST 2021)

  20. Peer Reviewer, International Conference on ICT for Sustainable Development – ICICT4SD 2021

  21. Peer Reviewer, International Conference on Science & Contemporary Technologies (ICSCT 2021), Dhaka, Bangladesh

  22. Peer Reviewer, International Conference on Automation, Control and Mechatronics for Industry 4.0 (ICACMI 2021), Rajshahi, Bangladesh

  23. Peer Reviewer, International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Information Technology 2021 (ICECIT 2021)

  24. ​Peer Reviewer, International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks, 2021 Beijing, China

Professional Membership and Services (Service to the Community)

Professional Membership:

  1. Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE), IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, and IEEE Young Professionals (From 20-Feb-2021)

  2. Professional Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE) (From 01-Jan-2016-2020)

  3. Membership, IEEE Young Professionals (From 01-Jan-2016)

  4. Membership, IEEE Computer Society (From 01-Jan-2017)

  5. Membership, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (From 01-Jan-2017)

  6. Member of Bangladesh Computer Samiti (BCS) ( From 2008)


Professional Services:

  1. Conference and Workshop Coordinator, IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter (IEEE CS BDC), Ex-Com 2023

  2. Publication Coordinator, IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter (IEEE CS BDC), Ex-Com 2021, 2022

  3. Branch Counsellor, IEEE Student Branch of GUB (IEEE SB GUB) (28 March 2019 to Present)

  4. Advisor, IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter of GUB (IEEE CS SBC GUB) (28 March 2019 to Present)


Experiences on Outcome Based Education (OBE)

  1. Participated in the National Symposium on “Transforming Education for the Industry: Engineer’s Perspective in Achieving Vision 2041 organized by The Board of Accreditation for Engineering and Technical Education (BAETE) at Ruposhi Bangla Grand Ballroom, Intercontinental Hotel, Dhaka held on 20 April 2024.

  2. Participated in theTier-1 Program Evaluators Training organized by The Board of Accreditation for Engineering and Technical Education (BAETE) at IEB Auditorium, Ramna, Dhaka held on 9-10 March 2024.

  3. Participated in theWorkshop on BAETE Accreditation for Computer Science and Engineering Programs organized by UIU and IEEE CS BDC held on 20 October 2023

  4. Participated in the “International Symposium on Quality Assurance in Engineering Education through Accreditation-IIIorganized by Board of Accreditation for Engineering and Technical Education (BAETE) held on 11-12 MAY 2023, at Radisson Hotel, Dhaka. 

  5. Participated in the “Outcome Based Education (OBE) Curriculum” organized by UGC held on 10-11 April 2022

  6. Participated in the daylong workshop on “Bangladesh National Qualification Framework (BNQF)” organized by Bangladesh Accreditation Council (BAC), Inter Continental Hotel, Dhaka, held on Sunday, 26 June 2022.

  7. Person-in-Charge of Criteria 05 of the BAETE SAR official manual preparation and finalization, 2022

  8. Member, OBE Committee, Dept. of CSE, GUB (Spring 2021 to Present)

  9. Member Secretary, OBE Committee, Dept. of CSE, GUB (Spring 2020 to Spring 2021)

Experiences on Outcome Based Education (OBE) Curriculum Development 


  1. Member Secretary of Curriculum Committee of the proposed M.Sc. in Cyber Security Program under the Dept. of CSE, GUB (2024)

  2. Member Secretary of Curriculum Committee of the proposed M.Sc. in AI and Data Science Program under the Dept. of CSE, GUB (2024)

  3. Chair, of Curriculum Committee of the proposed M.Sc. in CSE Program under the Dept. of CSE, GUB (2023)

  4. Member of Curriculum Committee of the proposed B.Sc. in Software Engineering Department developed under the supervision of Dept. of CSE, GUB (2023)

  5. Member of Curriculum Committee of the proposed B.Sc. in AI and Data Science Department developed under the supervision of Dept. of CSE, GUB (2023)

  6. Member Secretary of Syllabus Up-gradation Committee Following BAETE Manual 2020 (2019, which will be acted from Spring 2020) 

  7. Member of Curriculum Committee of CSE Dept. of GUB (2019, which will be acted from Spring 2020) 

  8. Member of OBE Document Preparation Committee for IEB Team Visit, (CO, PO, and PEO mapping), Department of CSE, GUB (2019)


  1. Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, Prothoma Khan Chowdhury, Kabiratun Ummi Oyshe, Tanoy Debnath, Anichur Rahman, Neeraj Kumar, “Computer Vision-based Hybrid Efficient Convolution for Isolated Dynamic Sign Language Recognition”, In: Neural Computing and Applications, (accepted: 12 July, 2024), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.birob.2023.100141. [Q1, SCIE Indexed, IF: 4.7]
  2. Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, Kabiratun Ummi Oyshe, Prothoma Khan Chowdhury, Tanoy Debnath, Anichur Rahman, Md. Saikat Islam Khan, “Computer Vision-based Six Layered ConvNeural Network to Recognize Sign Language for Both Numeral and Alphabet Signs”, In: Biomimetic Intelligence and Robotics, Vol. 4, Issue 1, 2024,doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.birob.2023.100141. [Scopus Indexed]
  3. Ababil Islam Udoy, Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, Md. Jahidul Islam, Anichur Rahman, Zulfiqar Ali, and Ghulam Muhammad, “4SQR-Code: A 4-States QR Code Generation Model for Increasing Data Storing Capacity in Digital Twin Framework” In: Journal of Advanced Research, 2023, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jare.2023.10.006.

 [Q1, SCIE Indexed, IF:12.822]

  1. Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, Md. Haider Ali, and Md. Hasanuzzaman, “Real-Time Computer Vision-Based Gestures Recognition System for Bangla Sign Language using Multiple Linguistic Features Analysis”. In: Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2023, doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-15583-8 [Q1, SCIE Indexed, IF:3.6]
  2. Masud Pervej, Sabuj Das, Md. Parvez Hossain, Md. Atikuzzaman, Md. Mahin and Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, “Real-Time Computer Vision Based Bangla Vehicle License Plate Recognition using Contour Analysis and Prediction Algorithm”, In: International Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol. 21, No. 2 (2021) 2150042 (32 pages). [Q4, Scopus Indexed, IF:0.147]
  3. Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, Md. Jahidul Islam, Sumaiya Kabir and Ayesha Khatun and, “A Real-Time Sensor Based Hand Gesture Controlled Robotic Wheel Chair for Assisting People with Disabilities”, In: GUB Journal of Science and Engineering, vol.07, Issue 01, pp.85-93, December 2020, ISSN: 2409-0476
  4. Md. Jahidul Islam, Md Gulzar Hussain, Babe Sultana, Mahmuda Rahman, Md. Saidur Rahman, and Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, Simplifying the Boolean Equation Based on Simulation System using Karnaugh Mapping Tool in Digital Circuit Design”, In: GUB Journal of Science and Engineering, vol.07, Issue 01, pp.76-84, December 2020, ISSN: 2409-0476
  5. Md. Ashaduzzaman, Sheikh Monirul Hasan, Md. Saiful Islam, and Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, “An Automated Testing Framework for Gesture Recognition System using Dynamic Image Pattern Generation with Augmentation”, In: GUB Journal of Science and Engineering, vol.07, Issue 01, pp.42-50, December 2020, ISSN: 2409-0476
  6. Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, Mahmood Jasim, Md. Haider Ali, and Md. Hasanuzzaman, “Bangla Language Modeling Algorithm for Automatic Recognition of Hand-Sign-Spelled Bangla Sign Language”. In: Front. Comput. Sci. 14, 143302 (2020) doi:10.1007/s11704-018-7253-3 [Q1, SCIE Indexed, IF:4.2]
  7. Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, Mahmood Jasim, Md. Haider Ali, Tao Zhang and Md. Hasanuzzaman, “A Real-Time Hand-Signs Segmentation and Classification System Using Fuzzy Rule-Based RGB Model and Grid-Pattern Analysis,” In: Front. Comput. Sci., 2018, 12(6): 1258–1260, [Q1, SCIE Indexed, IF:4.2]
  8. Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, Mahmood Jasim, Md. Haider Ali and Md. Hasanuzzaman, “A Real-Time Appearance-Based Bengali Alphabet and Numeral Signs Recognition System,” In: Dhaka University Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, vol.4(1), pp.19-26, January 2017.



  1. Washeikh Al Abir, Sohrab Hossain Tosher, Nazifa Alam Nowrin, Md. Zahidul Hasan, and Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, “A Computer Vision and IoT Based Smart Stick for Assisting Vision-Impaired People,” In: Proceedings of the 2023 5th International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 5.0 (STI), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/STI59863.2023.10465144.
  2. Hamad Ismail, Sk. Nahid, Md. Zahid Hasan, Md. Parvez Hossain, and Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, “A 3D CNN Model with Multi-Feature Fusion for Enhancing Human Emotion Recognition from Speech,” In: Book series of the 2023 6th International Conference on Communication and Computational Technologies (ICCCT 2024), Jaipur, India, 2024, Springer.
  3. Md. Romzan Alom, Md. Nazmus Shakib, and Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, “Enhanced Hamming Codes: Reducing Redundant Bit for Efficient Error Detection and Correction,” In: Proceedings of the 2023 5th International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 5.0 (STI), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/STI59863.2023.10465152.
  4. Md. Romzan Alom, Tarqul Alam Opi, Hasanul Islam Palok, Md. Nazmus Shakib, Md. Parvez Hossain, and Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, “Enhanced Road Lane Marking Detection System: A CNN-Based Approach for Safe Driving,” In: Proceedings of the 2023 5th International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 5.0 (STI), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/STI59863.2023.10464405.
  5. Washeikh Al Abir, Sohrab Hossain Tosher, Nazifa Alam Nowrin, Md. Zahidul Hasan, Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, “A Computer Vision and IoT Based Smart Stick for Assisting Vision-Impaired People,” In: Proceedings of the 2023 5th International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 5.0 (STI), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/STI59863.2023.10465144.
  6. Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, Md. Solaiman Mia, Mahbubur Rahman, Md. Maskawath Latif, “An Energy Efficient Model of Software Development Life Cycle for Mobile Application”, In: Proceedings of the 2022 4th International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 17-18 December, 2022.
  7. Borhan Uddin, Md.Shoab Hasan, Md. Sobuj Mia, Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, Md. Parvez Hossain, and Faiz Al Faisal, “A Robust Approach to Identify Banglish Words using Bangla Scripts”, In: Proceedings of the 2022 4th International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 17-18 December, 2022.
  8. Md. Ariful Islam, Md. Ariful Islam, Ahsanul Karim, Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, Mahmuda Rahman, Md. Parvez Hossain, and Syed Ahsanul Kabir, “Automatic 3D Animated Bangla Sign Language Gestures Generation from Bangla Text and Voice”, In: Proceedings of the 2022 4th International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 17-18 December, 2022.
  9. Md. Zahidul Hasan, Shovon Sikder and Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, “Real-Time Computer Vision Based Autonomous Navigation System for Assisting Visually Impaired People using Machine Learning”, In: Proceedings of the 2022 4th International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 17-18 December, 2022.
  10. Md. Ruhen Hossain Bhuiyan, Niloy Saha Roy, Monoshi Kumar Roy, Md. Sultanul Islam Ovi, Faiz Al Faisal, and Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, “Sedimentation Analysis on Padma River Using Machine Learning Techniques”, In: Proceedings of the 2022 4th International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 17-18 December, 2022.
  11. Mohammad Junayed Khan Noor, Fatema Tuj Johora, Md. Mahin, Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, “Real Time Bangla Local Language Recognition from Voice”, In: Proceedings of the 2022 4th International Conference on Trends in Computational and Cognitive Engineering (TCCE-2022), Tangail, Bangladesh, 18-19 December, 2022.
  12. Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, Md Imran Hossain, Shamima Nasrin, Mahmuda Rahman and Syed Ahsanul Kabir, “An Online Reversed Bangla Sign Language Learning System”, In: Proceedings of the 2021 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 18-19 December, 2021.
  13. Md. Mijanur Rahman, Mst. Sadia Afrin, Md. Atikuzzaman and Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, “Real-Time Anomaly Detection and Classification from Surveillance Cameras using Deep Neural Network”, In: Proceedings of the 2021 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 18-19 December, 2021.
  14. Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, Md Parvez Hossain, Md Masud Rana, Md Arifur Rahman, Tahmina Akter, “A Rule Based System for Bangla Voice and Text to Bangla Sign Language Interpretation”, In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 19-20 December, 2020
  15. Md Parvez Hossain, Md Atikuzzaman, Md Mushfikur Rahim, Md Tuzammel Hossain, Monira Sultana Mousome, and Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, “Human Robot Interaction System for Behavioral Improvement of Autistic Children”, In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Information and Communication Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh, November 28-29, 2020
  16. Md. Parvez Hossain, Md Khaled, Shahjahan Ahamed Saju, Shanto Roy, Milon Biswas and Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, “Vehicle Registration and Information Management using Blockchain based Distributed Ledger from Bangladesh Perspective”, In: Proceedings of the IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), 05-07 June, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2020
  17. Sheikh Monirul Hasan, Md. Saiful Islam, Md. Ashaduzzaman, and Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, “Automated Software Testing Cases Generation Framework to Ensure the Efficiency of the Gesture Recognition Systems”, In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 18-20 December, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2019
  18. Md. Saidur Rahman, Rifat Hasib, Babe Sultana, Md Gulzar Hussain, Mahmuda Rahman, and Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, “An Extensive Karnaugh Mapping Tool for Boolean Expression Simplification”, In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI 2019), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2019
  19. Badiuzzaman Sabuj, Md. Jahidul Islam, and Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, “Human Robot Interaction Using Sensor Based Hand Gestures for Assisting Disable People”, In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI 2019), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2019
  20. Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, Md. Mahin, Md. Haider Ali and Md. Hasanuzzaman, “BHCDR: Real-Time Bangla Handwritten Characters and Digits Recognition using Adopted Convolutional Neural Network”, In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Robotics Technology (ICASERT-2019), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2019, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.1109/ICASERT.2019.8934476
  21. Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, Mahmood Jasim, Md. Haider Ali and Md. Hasanuzzaman, “Real-Time Computer Vision-Based Bengali Sign Language Recognition,” In: Proceedings of the 17th Int’l Conf. on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), pp.192-197, Dhaka, Bangladesh (22-23 December, 2014), doi: 10.1109/ICCITechn.2014.7073150
  22. Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, Mahmood Jasim, Tao Zhang, Md. Haider Ali and Md. Hasanuzzaman, “Real-Time Bengali and Chinese Numeral Signs Recognition using Contour Matching,” In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), IEEE, Zhuhai, China, pp.1215-1220, (6-9 Dec. 2015), doi: 10.1109/ROBIO.2015.7418937
  23. Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, Mahmood Jasim, Md. Haider Ali and Md. Hasanuzzaman, “Computer vision based Bengali sign words recognition using contour analysis,” In: Proceedings of the 18th Int’l Conf. on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), pp.335-340, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (21-23 December, 2015), doi: 10.1109/ICCITechn.2015.7488092



Poster Papers:

  1. Md.Rasel Mahmud, Shakir Hossain, Mithun Chandra Howlader, Md. Parvez Hossain and Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, “GreenBot: A Human-Robot Interaction System For Exploring Information Using Face Image and Voice Recognition for Green University of Bangladesh Perspective”, In: Proceedings of the 2021 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 18-19 December, 2021.
  2. Md. Easin Arafat Chowdhury, Md. Kamrul Hasan, Md. Ashaduzzaman, Md. Mahin, and Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, “Bangla Handwriting Recognition using Fuzzy Filter based Convolutional Neural Network”, In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI 2019), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2019.
  3. Masud Pervej, Sabuj Das, Md. Jahidul Islam, Md Mahin and Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, “Real-Time Recognition of Bangla Vehicles Number Plate Based on Clustering and Prediction Technique”, In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI 2019), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2019.

Fellowship, Award, and Research Grants

  1. Three years of PhD Research Fellowship on “Computer Vision Based Bangla Sign Language Recognition”, Funded and supported by the Information and Communication Technology Division (ICTD), Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Government of Bangladesh. FY 2014-2015, 2015-2016, and 2016-2017 [Total amount = BDT11,80,000/=(Eleven lac and eighty thousand only)]

  2. Principal Investigator of the research project on the Development of an Automated System to Interpret Bangla Speech to Bangla Sign Language entitled “বাংলা মৌখিক ভাষা থেকে ইশারা ভাষা রুপান্তরের স্বয়ংক্রিয় পদ্ধতি প্রনয়ন গবেষণা প্রকল্প”, Funded by Information and Communication Technology Division (ICTD), Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Government of Bangladesh, FY 2018-2019. [Total amount = BDT3,00,000/=(Three lacs only)]

  3. Regional Contest Director (RCD) of the 2022 ICPC Asia Dhaka Regional hosted by Green University of Bangladesh, partially funded by Digital Bangladesh, Information and Communication Technology Division (ICTD), and Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC), Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Government of Bangladesh, FY 2022-2023. [Total amount = BDT20,00,000/=(Twenty lakhs only) equivalent purchase order]

  4. Corresponding Presenter and Nominee from the Green University of Bangladesh of the “2019 1st International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0” Funded by Information and Communication Technology Division (ICTD), Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Government of Bangladesh, FY 2018-2019. [Total amount = BDT4,00,000/=(Four lacs only)]

  5. Corresponding Presenter and Nominee from the Green University of Bangladesh of the “2020 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0” Funded by the Information and Communication Technology Division (ICTD), Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Government of Bangladesh, FY 2020-2021. [Total amount = BDT3,00,000/=(Three lacs only)]

  6. Corresponding Presenter and Nominee from the Green University of Bangladesh of the “2021 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0” Funded by the Information and Communication Technology Division (ICTD), Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Government of Bangladesh, FY 2021-2022. [Total amount = BDT3,00,000/=(Three lacs only)]

  7. Corresponding Presenter and Nominee from the Green University of Bangladesh of the “2022 4th International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0” Funded by the Information and Communication Technology Division (ICTD), Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Government of Bangladesh, FY 2022-2023. [Total amount = BDT2,00,000/=(Two lacs only)]

  8. Principal Investigator of the research project on Real-Time Recognition of Bangla Number Plates of Vehicles based on Clustering and Prediction Technique Funded by Center of Research Innovation and Transformation (CRIT), Green University of Bangladesh (GUB), Dhaka, Bangladesh, FY 2019-2020. [Total amount = BDT60,000/=(Sixty thousand only)]

  9. Co-investigator and Mentor of the research project on “Software Testing Process Generation to Ensure the Efficiency of Gesture Recognition System” Funded by Center of Research Innovation and Transformation (CRIT), Green University of Bangladesh (GUB), Dhaka, Bangladesh, FY 2019-2020. [Total amount = BDT40,000/=(Forty thousand only)]

  10. Co-investigator and Mentor of the research project on “Integration of a Customizable Karnaugh Mapping Application Tool in The Teaching of Combinational Logic Design for Engineering Undergraduates” Funded by Center of Research Innovation and Transformation (CRIT), Green University of Bangladesh (GUB), Dhaka, Bangladesh, FY 2019-2020. [Total amount = BDT40,000/=(Forty thousand only)]

  11. Principal Investigator of the research project on Real-Time Recognition of Bangla Sign Language using Convolutional Neural Network Funded by Center of Research Innovation and Transformation (CRIT), Green University of Bangladesh (GUB), Dhaka, Bangladesh, FY 2020-2021, Ref.GUBRG/7/2021. [Total amount = BDT100,000/=(One Lac only)]

  12. Co-investigator and Mentor of the research project on “BdSL: Reverse Bangla Sign Language Dictionary Application.” Funded by Center of Research Innovation and Transformation (CRIT), Green University of Bangladesh (GUB), Dhaka, Bangladesh, FY 2020-2021, Ref.GUBRG/8/2021 [Total amount = BDT105,000/=(One lac and five thousand only)]

  13. Co-investigator and Mentor of the research project on “An Energy Efficient Model of Software Development Life Cycle for Mobile Application.” Funded by Center of Research Innovation and Transformation (CRIT), Green University of Bangladesh (GUB), Dhaka, Bangladesh, FY 2020-2021, Ref.GUBRG/10/2021 [Total amount = BDT110,000/=(One lac and ten thousand only)]

  14. 3rd Best Paper Award

Conference: IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter Winter Symposium 2021

Authors: Md. Mijanur Rahman, Mst. Sadia Afrin, Md. Atikuzzaman and Muhammad Aminur Rahaman

Paper Title: Real-Time Anomaly Detection and Classification from Surveillance Cameras using Deep Neural Network

  1. Mujib 100 Ideas Ward

 Mujib 100 Idea Contest 2021, Organized by the University Grant Commission, Bangladesh

Authors: Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, Md. Zahidul Hasan, and Shovon Shikder 

Paper Title: Real-Time Computer Vision Based Autonomous Navigation System for Assisting Visually Impaired People using Deep Learning

Award Money: BDT 20,000/=(Twenty thousand only)

  1. Best Thesis/Project Award [Silver]

Research title: An Online Reversed Bangla Sign Language Learning System

Research students: Md Imran Hossain and Shamima Nasrin

Supervisor: Muhammad Aminur Rahaman

  1. Best Thesis/Project Award [Bronze]

Research title: Real-Time Anomaly Detection and Classification from Surveillance Cameras using Deep Neural Network

Research students: Md. Mijanur Rahman, Mst. Sadia Afrin

Supervisor: Muhammad Aminur Rahaman

  1. Research Excellence Award 2023 from CRIT, GUB

Research title: Real-Time Computer Vision-Based Gestures Recognition System for Bangla Sign Language using Multiple Linguistic Features Analysis. 

Authors: Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, Md. Haider Ali, and Md. Hasanuzzaman

Journal: Multimedia Tools and Applications

Publication Year: 2023, 

Journal Rank: [Q1, SCIE Indexed, IF:3.6]

Research of Interests:

  •      Computer Vision
  • Image Processing

  • Pattern Recognition

  • Bangla Sign Language Recognition

  • NLP and ML

  • Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)

  • Knowledge-Based System

  • Robotics

  • Software Engineering

Experience in Academic Thesis and Research Works 

  1. Ph.D. Thesis: I have completed “Computer Vision Based Bangla Sign Language Recognition” as the thesis work in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of PhD. in the department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Dhaka under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Md. Hasanuzzaman and Prof. Dr. Md. Haider Ali. 

  2. M.Sc. Thesis: I have completed “Analysis and Improve Performance of TCP Over Wired-cum-Wireless Network” as the thesis work using TCL And NS-2, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of M.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering, Islamic University.  

  3. B.Sc. Project Work: I have completed “E-Messaging System in Linux Platform using Java” as the project work, which contains computer networking and client server programming using Java, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of B.Sc.(hon’s) in Computer Science and Engineering, Islamic University.


Research/Project Supervision

Bachelor of Science (BS) in Computer Science and Engineering, Green University of Bangladesh

Completed: Approximately 80+

Ongoing: Approximately 20+

Please see Annexer-A for details.


Annexure A

Research/Project Supervision

Bachelor of Science (BS) in Computer Science and Engineering, Green University of Bangladesh


Completed (67)


Enrolled Semester


  1. Badiuzzaman

Human Robot Interaction Using Sensor Based Hand Gestures for Assisting Disable People

Fall 2018

  1. Md. Shamim Hossain

  1. Imon Akter Jomur


  1. Md. Parvez Hossain

Vehicle Registration and Information Management System using Blockchain based Distribution Ledger

Fall 2018

  1. Md Khaled

  1. Shahjahan Ahmed Saju


  1. Md. Ali Haydar

Implementation of Human Interaction System for Intelligent Service Robot

Spring 2019

  1. Md. Shafiul Islam

  1. Md. Ziaur Rahman


  1. Masud Parvej

Real-Time Recognition of Bangla Vehicle Number Plate Based on Clustering and Prediction Technique

Spring 2019

  1. Sabuj Das


  1. Md. Tuzammel Hossain 

Human Robot interaction for behavioral improvement of Autism children

Spring 2019

  1. Monira Sultana Mousume

  1. Mushfikur Rahim


  1. Sheik Moniul Hasan

Software testing process generation to ensure the efficiency of gesture recognition tool

Spring 2019

  1. Saiful Islam


  1. Md. Saidur Rahman

A framework for digital logic circuit design simulator

Spring 2019

  1. Rifat Hasib


  1. Md. Easin Arafat Chowdhury

Bangla handwritten characters and digits recognition using fuzzy filter based Convolutional Neural Network

Spring 2019

  1. Md. Kamrul Hasan


  1. Md. Maskawath Latif  

Building Energy Efficient Software

Summer 2019

  1. Sk. Sanjidul Haque

  1. Mst. Isma Khatun


  1. Md. Masud Rana

Rule Based Intelligent System for Bangla Text to Bangla Sign Language Interpretation

Summer 2019

  1. Tahmina Akter

  1. Md. Arifur Rahman


  1. Mostafizur Rahman

Design and Development of Online Examination System

Summer 2019

  1. Md. Shahidul Islam


  1. Fahmida Rahman

Design and Development of an Automatic Income Tax Calculation System

Summer 2019

  1. Md. Mujahidul Islam

  1. Md. Liakot Ali Fokir


  1. Jannat Sultana

Human Robot System to Find and Reach into Specific Destination

Fall 2019

  1. Md. Humayun Kabir Banov


  1. Md. Shahadat Hossain

Arduino Based Autonomous Fire Fighting Robot

Fall 2019

  1. Tohidul Islam 


  1. Md. Dilshad Uddin Mozumder

Implementation of Smart Dustbin System

Fall 2019

  1. Kaushik Ahmed Apu


  1. Md. Sadjjad Hossain

Design and Development of an Artificial Intelligence System for Vehicle Safety Enhancer

Summer 2019

  1. Md. Tamim Hossen


  1. Raashik Raihan

Developing a Web Application to Facilitate the Users of Metro Rail Service

Fall 2019


  1. Md. Rasel Mahmud

Human Robot Interaction to Explore

Information about GUB

Fall 2019

  1. Sakir Hossian

  1. Mithun Chandra Howlader


  1. Sakiuzzaman

Multiple Gateways Load Balancing using Policy Based Routing

(PBR) and Traffic Distribution in Different Areas

Spring 2020

  1. Md. Mahabubur Rahim

  1. Md. Nazmul Hossen


  1. Janata Rani Roy

ChatBot Android Application for Green University Information

Spring 2020

  1. Amit Kumar Mandal


  1. Tajkeratus Salehin

Android based Remote Robot Vehicle for Translocating Objects

Spring 2020

  1. Fatema Akter Munni


  1. Md. Shohag Hossain

Fire Fighting Robot

Spring 2020

  1. Sirazul Islam


  1. Naurin Jahan Pakiza

Gesture and Voice Control Robot for Assisting Disabled People

Spring 2020

  1. Raju Ahmed


  1. Nur Hossain

Automatic Vehicle Number Plate Recognition using YOLO Algorithm with Machine Learning

Spring 2020

  1. Navana Akter Sumi

  1. Ayesha Siddika


  1. Gazi Abdul Ahad

Design and Development of A
Three Axis CNC Machine

Spring 2020

  1. Achinta Roy


  1. Md. Siam Uddin Prodhan

Smart Attendance System Using Face


Summer 2020

  1. Mahabur Rahman


  1. Md. Khanjahan Ali

Mask face detection to control the security system in an organization

Summer 2020

  1. Hosneara Mukta


  1. Md. Imran Hossain

Learning Process for Bangla Sign Language

Fall 2020

  1. Shamima Nasrin


  1. Md. Sajjad Hossain Sabuj

Computer Vision-Based Bangla Sign Language Recognition using Convolution Neural Network

Spring 2020

  1. Suraiya Akhter


Editorial Board Members and Peer Reviewer 

  1. Deputy Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Material and Mathematical Sciences (From 15 January 2020)

  2. Associate Editor, GUB Journal of Science and Engineering (2019 to Present)

  3. Editorial Board Member, Asian Journal of Computer Science and Technology (AJCST) (From 2019 January to present)

  4. Peer Reviewer, IEEE Access

  5. Peer Reviewer, Neural Processing Letters, Springer

  6. Peer Reviewer, Lingua, Elsevier

  7. Peer Reviewer, Applied Sciences, MDPI

  8. Peer Reviewer, Sensors, MDPI

  9. Peer Reviewer, Mathematics, MDPI

  10. Peer Reviewer, Journal of Information Processing Systems (JIPS), Korea Information Processing Society (KIPS)


Conference and Symposium Organizing Committee Members  

  1. Publication Chair, International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI 2019, STI 2020, STI 2021, STI 2022)

  2. TPC Co-Chair, International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI) (STI 2019, STI 2020, STI 2021, STI 2022)

  3. TPC Member, International Conference on Science & Contemporary Technologies (ICSCT 2021), Dhaka, Bangladesh

  4. TPC Member, International Conference on Automation, Control and Mechatronics for Industry 4.0 (ICACMI 2021), Rajshahi, Bangladesh

  5. TPC Member, International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Information Technology 2021 (ICECIT 2021), Khulna Bangladesh

  6. Track Chair (AI, IOT and Computer Vision), TPC, IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP) 2020

  7. Session Chair, 2nd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques 2021 (ICREST 2021)

  8. Session Chair, IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter Summer Symposium (IEEE CS BDC SS), 2021

  9. Publication Committee, IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter Summer Symposium (IEEE CS BDC SS), 2021

  10. Member, DhakaAI-2020 Organizing Committee, 2020

  11. Peer Reviewer, International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Technology (ICIET2018)

  12. Peer Reviewer, International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Technology (ICIET2019)

  13. Peer Reviewer, International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI 2019, STI 2020, STI 2021)

  14. Peer Reviewer, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Information, Communication & Systems (SPICSCON)

  15. Peer Reviewer, IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP) 2020 

  16. Peer Reviewer, 3rd Annual Conference on Electronics and Communication Engineering (ICECE 2020)

  17. Peer Reviewer, 2nd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques 2021 (ICREST 2021)

  18. Peer Reviewer, International Conference on ICT for Sustainable Development – ICICT4SD 2021

  19. Peer Reviewer, International Conference on Science & Contemporary Technologies (ICSCT 2021), Dhaka, Bangladesh

  20. Peer Reviewer, International Conference on Automation, Control and Mechatronics for Industry 4.0 (ICACMI 2021), Rajshahi, Bangladesh

  21. Peer Reviewer, International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Information Technology 2021 (ICECIT 2021)

  22. ​Peer Reviewer, International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks, 2021 Beijing, China


Professional Membership and Services

Professional Membership:

  1. Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE), IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, and IEEE Young Professionals (From 20-Feb-2021)

  2. Professional Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE) (From 01-Jan-2016-2020)

  3. Membership, IEEE Young Professionals (From 01-Jan-2016)

  4. Membership, IEEE Computer Society (From 01-Jan-2017)

  5. Membership, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (From 01-Jan-2017)

  6. Member of Bangladesh Computer Samiti (BCS) ( From 2008)


Professional Services:

  1. Publication Coordinator, IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter (IEEE CS BDC), Ex-Com 2021, 2022

  2. Branch Counsellor, IEEE Student Branch of GUB (IEEE SB GUB) (28 March 2019 to Present)

  3. Advisor, IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter of GUB (IEEE CS SBC GUB) (28 March 2019 to Present)

Experiences on Outcome Based Education (OBE)

  1. Participated in the “Outcome Based Education (OBE) Curriculum” organized by UGC held on 10-11 April 2022

  2. Participated in the daylong workshop on “Bangladesh National Qualification Framework (BNQF)” organized by Bangladesh Accreditation Council (BAC), Hotel Continental, Dhaka, held on Sunday, 26 June 2022.

  3. Person-in-Charge of Criteria 05 of the BAETE SAR official manual preparation and finalization, 2022

  4. Member, OBE Committee, Dept. of CSE, GUB (Spring 2021 to Present)

  5. Member Secretary, OBE Committee, Dept. of CSE, GUB (Spring 2020 to Spring 2021)

  6. Member Secretary of Syllabus Upgradation Committee Following BAETE Manual 2020 (2019, which will be acted from Spring 2020) 

  7. Member of Curriculum Committee of CSE Dept. of GUB (2019, which will be acted from Spring 2020) 

  8. Member of OBE Document Preparation Committee for IEB Team Visit, (CO, PO, and PEO mapping), Department of CSE, GUB (2019)


Institutional Services and Committee Activities in GUB 

  1. Convener, GUB IT Policy Revision Committee, 2022

  2. Member, GUB 10 years strategic plan preparation committee, 2022

  3. Member, GUB ERP Software Purchasing and Development Monitoring Committee, 2020

  4. Convener, GUB Employee Recruitment Application System Upgradation Committee, 2020

  5. Member Secretary, Faculty of Science and Engineering Committee, GUB (5 February 2019 to June 2020)

  6. Member, Faculty of Science and Engineering Committee, GUB (5 February 2019 to Present)

  7. Member of Committee for Introducing QR Code in Certificates of GUB Graduates (December 2019)

  8. Member of 4th Convocation of GUB: Registration, Invitation, and Advertisement Sub-Committee (4th Convocation of GUB 2020)

  9. Member of Bus purchasing Committee of GUB (31 January 2020)

  10. Member of Exam Committee, Faculty of Science and Engineering, GUB (Spring 2019 to Present)

  11. Expert Panel Member, Object Oriented Programming and Object Oriented Programming Lab, Dept. of CSE, GUB (Summer 2021 to Present)

  12. Expert Panel Member, Human-Computer Interaction, Dept. of CSE, GUB (Summer 2021 to Present)

  13. Course Coordinator, Software Engineering and Software Engineering Lab, Dept. of CSE, GUB (Summer 2021 to Present)

  14. Chair, Technical Events Organizing Committee of CSE Dept. of GUB (2019, which will be acted from Spring 2020) 

  15. Chair, Credit Equivalence Committee, Dept. of CSE, GUB (Spring 2019)

  16. Member, Managing Committee for COVID-19 Situation, Dept. of CSE, GUB (Spring 2019 to Present)

  17. Coordinator of Thesis/Project Coordination Committee, Dept. of CSE, GUB (Spring 2019, Summer 2021)

  18. Member of Venue Preparation Committee, US Bangla Airlines-GUB IUPC 2018 (2018)



Contributions to Organize Technical Events and Workshops  

As Organizer: 13+

As Session Chair: 10+

As Judge: 4+

As Facilitator/Keynote Speaker: 2

As Participant: 30+

Please see Annexuer-B for details.

Annexure B

Contributions to Organize Technical Events and Workshops

As an Organizer:

  1. Title: Webinar on “Research Methodology”

Organized by: Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GUB, IEEE Student Branch, GUB (IEEE SB GUB), and IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter, GUB (IEEE CS SBC GUB) are jointly collaborating with IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter (IEEE CS BC), IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter, DU (IEEE CS SBC DU), and IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter, EWU (IEEE CS SBC EWU)

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque, Honorable Pro-Vice-Chancellor, GUB

Chief Guest: Professor Dr. Md. Golam Samdani Fakir, Vice-Chancellor, GUB

Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Md Saiful Azad, Chairperson, Department of CSE, GUB

Date: Wednesday, 25 August 2021 


  1. Title: Webinar on “Introduction to GIT”

Organized by: Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GUB, IEEE Student Branch, GUB (IEEE SB GUB), and IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter, GUB (IEEE CS SBC GUB) 

Keynote Speaker: Md. Mofijul Islam, University of Dhaka and Applied Scientist Intern, Amazon

Chief Guest: Professor Dr. Md. Golam Samdani Fakir, Vice-Chancellor, GUB

Special Guest: Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, GUB

Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Md Saiful Azad, Chairperson, Department of CSE, GUB

Date: Saturday, 17 July 2021


  1. Title: Webinar on “IoT Enabled Connectivity & Applications Towards Automotive Industry”

Organized by: Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GUB, IEEE Student Branch, GUB (IEEE SB GUB), and IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter, GUB (IEEE CS SBC GUB) 

Keynote Speaker: Md Arafatur Rahman, Senior Lecturer, School of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Wolverhampton, UK

Chief Guest: Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, GUB

Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Md Saiful Azad, Chairperson, Department of CSE, GUB

Date: 5 July 2021


  1. Title: 4th Convocation of Green University of Bangladesh (online)

Organized by: Green University of Bangladesh

Convocation Speaker: Prof. Dr. Mesbahuddin Ahmed, Chairman of Bangladesh Accreditation Council

Chair: Honorable Education Minister Dr. Dipu Moni, MP as the chair delegated by His Excellency, the Honorable President of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Md. Abdul Hamid

Date: 19 June 2021


  1. Title: Webinar on “Edge-cloud Collaboration for Big Data Systems”

Organized by: Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GUB, IEEE Student Branch, GUB (IEEE SB GUB), and IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter, GUB (IEEE CS SBC GUB) 

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Md Yusuf Sarwar Uddin, Assistant Professor, University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC)

Chief Guest: Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, GUB

Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Md Saiful Azad, Chairperson, Department of CSE, GUB

Date: 13 July 2021


  1. Title: Webinar on “e-Learning for Engineering Students: Challenges and Scopes”

Organized by: Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GUB, IEEE Student Branch, GUB (IEEE SB GUB), and IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter, GUB (IEEE CS SBC GUB) 

Keynote Speaker/Facilitator: 

Date: Saturday, 09 January 2021 


  1. Title: Keynote Speech on Important research areas in mobile systems security and privacy to protect billions of users around the world

Organized by: 2020 International Conference on Sustainable Technology for Industry 4.0, GUB 

Keynote Speaker: Monirul Islam Sharif, Engineering Manager III (L7) at Google, United States of America

Date: 20 December 2020 


  1. Title: Keynote Speech on 4IR Transformation for Telecom Industry Ecosystem 

Organized by: 2020 International Conference on Sustainable Technology for Industry 4.0, GUB 

Keynote Speaker: Asif Naimur Rashid, Chief Information Officer, Robi Axiata Ltd., Bangladesh

Date: 20 December 2020 


  1. Title: Workshop on Basic Bioinformatics Tools and Techniques 

Organized by: 2020 International Conference on Sustainable Technology for Industry 4.0, GUB and IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter and IEEE CS BDC

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Mohammad Ali Moni, Senior Research Fellow, New South Wales, Australia

Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Md Zahidul Islam, Department of CSE, GUB

Date: 19 December 2020 


  1. Title: IEEE Inauguration Ceremony 2020-21 (SB, CS SBC & PES SBC) Green University Of  Bangladesh

Organized by: IEEE Student Branch, GUB (IEEE SB GUB), and IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter, GUB (IEEE CS SBC GUB) & IEEE PES SBC, GUB

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Md. Saidur Rahman, Professor of the CSE Department, BUET

Chief Guest: Professor Dr. Md. Golam Samdani Fakir, Vice-Chancellor, GUB

Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Md Zahidul Islam, Department of CSE, GUB

Date: Wednesday, 11 November 2020


  1. Title: The second session on “Importance of Bioinformatics and Big Data to overcome the COVID-19 Pandemic” of the lecture series on “Emerging Sensing and Computing Technologies to Control COVID-19” 

Organized by: IEEE Student Branch, GUB (IEEE SB GUB), and IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter, GUB (IEEE CS SBC GUB) 

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Mohammad Ali Moni, Senior Research Fellow & Con-joint Lecturer, UNSW Digital Health, WHO Center for eHealth, Faculty of Medicine, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia and Dr. Rishad Shafik, Associate Professor, Electronic Systems at Newcastle University, UK and a Senior Member of IEEE

Chief Guest: Professor Dr. Md. Golam Samdani Fakir, Vice-Chancellor, GUB

Special Guest: Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, GUB

Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Md Zahidul Islam, Department of CSE, GUB, and Dr. ASM Shihavuddin, Associate Professor and Chairperson of the Department of EEE

Date: 05 July 2020


  1. Title: The1st session on “Smart Sensing and Remote Accessing to Address COVID-19 Challenges” of the lecture series on “Emerging Sensing and Computing Technologies to Control COVID-19” 

Organized by: IEEE Student Branch, GUB (IEEE SB GUB), and IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter, GUB (IEEE CS SBC GUB) 

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Giancarlo Fortino, Professor, Universita della Calabria, Italy; Dr. Fahim Kawsar, Director of IoT, Bell Labs and Dr. Akhil Mathur, Principal Research Scientist, Bell Labs

Chief Guest: Professor Dr. Md. Golam Samdani Fakir, Vice-Chancellor, GUB

Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque, honorable Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dr. Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, Branch Counselor, IEEE SB, and IEEE CS GUB Students Chapter, Green University of Bangladesh

Date: 28 June 2020


  1. Title: Workshop on Robotics

Organized by: IEEE Student Branch, GUB (IEEE SB GUB), and IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter, GUB (IEEE CS SBC GUB) 

Instructor: A S Fardin Ahmed, Project Director & Chief Engineer at Robot Farmal & Farbot

Chief Guest: Professor Dr. Chowdhury Farhan Ahmed, Chairperson, Department of CSE

Special Guest: Professor Dr. Zahidul Islam, professor, Department of CSE

Hosts: Dr. Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, Counselor, IEEE SB GUB, and Umme Ruman, Campus Director, Permanent Campus, Green University of Bangladesh

Date: Sunday, 24 February 2020


  1. Title: Ethics in Artificial Intelligence, a workshop organized by IEEE Student Branch, CSE, Green University of Bangladesh, July 2019

Date: July 2019


  1. Title: OriginPro, a workshop organized by IEEE Student Branch, CSE, Green University of Bangladesh

Date: June 2019


  1. Title: Software Defined Networking (SDN) a workshop organized by IEEE Student Branch, CSE, Green University of Bangladesh

Date: June 2019


  1. Title: Workshop on Introduction to Optimization, organized jointly by IEEE Student Branch GUB and IEEE Computer Society Student Branch GUB on Wednesday, June 19, 2019, at Programming Lab (801), City Campus, Green University of Bangladesh.

Date: Wednesday, June 19, 2019


  1. Title: Inaugural Ceremony of IEEE Computer Society Student Branch at the Green University of Bangladesh, Organized by IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter Green University of Bangladesh at Green Seminar Hall at the city campus, GUB.

Date: 10 July 2019


  1. Title: Seminar on “Organizing an International Conference: IEEE Guidelines” organized by Faculty of Science and Engineering, IEEE Student Branch and IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter of Green University of Bangladesh at IQAC Auditorium (Room No. A-302), GUB

Keynote Speakers: Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque, Dean, Faculty of Science and Engineering, GUB and Mr. Chowdhury Akram Hossain, SMIEEE and Associate Prof., Dept. of EEE, AIUB

Date: Wednesday, 21 August 2019


As a Facilitator/Keynote Speaker:

  1. Title: Workshop on Writing Scientific Report Using Latex

Organized by: CRIT, GUB

Facilitator: Dr. Muhammad Aminur Rahaman

Date: 12-13 September 2020


As a Session Chair:

  1. Session Title: MUJIB 100 IDEA CONTEST-2021

Symposium: International Conference on 4th Industrial Revolution and Beyond (IC4IR 2021)

Organized by:  UGC 

Judge Panelists: 

Dr. Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, CSE, GUB

Date: 10 December 2021


  1. Session Title: Session 5B: AI, Machine Learning and Robotics

Symposium: IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter Winter Symposium (IEEE CS BDC SS) 2021

Organized by:  IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter 

Session Chair and Judge Panelists: 

Dr. Md. Golam Rabiul Alam, CSE, BRACU

Dr. Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, CSE, GUB

Date: 14 November 2021


  1. Session Title: Session 6A: AI, Machine Learning and Robotics

Symposium: IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter Summer Symposium (IEEE CS BDC SS) 2021

Organized by:  IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter 

Session Chair and Judge Panelists: 

Dr. Muhammad Firoz Mridha, CSE, BUBT

Dr. Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, CSE, GUB

Dr. Md Manjur Ahmed, CSE, Barisal University

Date: 05 June 2021


  1. Session Title: Session 2B: Signal Processing, Computer Vision and Optimization

Symposium: IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter Summer Symposium (IEEE CS BDC SS) 2021

Organized by:  IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter 

Session Chair and Judge Panelists: 

Dr. Md Motiur Rahman, CSE, MBSTU

Dr. Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, CSE, GUB

Dr. Md. Ali Hossain, CSE, RUET

Date: 04 June 2021


  1. Session Title: Webinar on ” The Benefits of IEEE Student Membership”

Organized by:  Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GUB, IEEE Student Branch, GUB (IEEE SB GUB), and IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter, GUB (IEEE CS SBC GUB) 

Keynote Speaker: Dr. M  Shamim Kaiser, Professor, Institute of Information Technology, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh

Chief Guest: Prof. Dr. Md Saiful Azad, Chairperson, Department of CSE, GUB

Session Chair: Dr. Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, Dept. of CSE, GUB

Date: 24 April 2021


  1. Session Title: Keynote Speech on the permutation of columns/rows of random sparse matrices to discover nonzero patterns

Organized by:  IEEE CS BDC with IEEE CS BDC Team SPARK and IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter, GUB (IEEE CS SBC GUB) 

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Sardar Anisul Haque⁣, Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department Alcorn State University, USA

Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, GUB

Date: 14 November 2020


  1. Title: The 1st session on “Smart Sensing and Remote Accessing to Address COVID-19 Challenges” of the lecture series on “Emerging Sensing and Computing Technologies to Control COVID-19”

Organized by: IEEE Student Branch, GUB (IEEE SB GUB), and IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter, GUB (IEEE CS SBC GUB) 

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Giancarlo Fortino, Professor, Universita della Calabria, Italy; Dr. Fahim Kawsar, Director of IoT, Bell Labs and Dr. Akhil Mathur, Principal Research Scientist, Bell Labs

Chief Guest: Professor Dr. Md. Golam Samdani Fakir, Vice-Chancellor, GUB

Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque, honorable Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dr. Muhammad Aminur Rahaman, Branch Counselor, IEEE SB, and IEEE CS GUB Students Chapter, Green University of Bangladesh

Date: 28 June 2020


As a Participant:

  1. Title:  Workshop on “Red Hat Linux”

Organized by: Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Green University Computer Club (GUCC), and AT Computer Solution

Keynote Speaker/Facilitator: Md. Alamgir Khan and Md. Rashedul Hasan, AT Computer Solution

Chief Guest: Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque, Honorable Pro-Vice-Chancellor, GUB

Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Md Saiful Azad, Chairperson, Department of CSE, GUB

Date: 06 July 2021


  1. Title:  Chairperson Meets with the High Performing Students of the CSE Department, GUB

Organized by: Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Green University of Bangladesh 

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Md Saiful Azad, Chairperson, Department of CSE, GUB

Date: 17-18 July 2021


  1. Title: Webinar on “Outcome-Based CSE Curriculum”

Organized by: IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter and IEEE CS BDC Team SPARK

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Hasan Sarwar, UIU

Date: Monday, 28 June 2021


  1. Title: keynote speech on Algorithmic Aspects of Information Visualization

Organized by: IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter Summer Symposium 2021

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Debajyoti Mondal, University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Date: Monday, 28 June 2021


  1. Title: IEEE CS BDC International Lecture Series on Artificial Intelligence in the post COVID-19 Era

Organized by: IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter and IEEE CS BDC Team SPARK

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Saifur Rahman, IEEE Life Fellow

Guest: Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, GUB

Session Chair: Prof. Dr. M. Shamim Kaiser, IIT, JU

Date: 09 May 2021


  1. Title: IEEE SB and SBC Counselors, Advisors, and Chairs Summit 2021

Organized by: IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter 

Date: 24 April 2021


  1. Title: Workshop on “Togetherness for High Performance at GUB (TfHP): Roles of Values and Culture (TfHP)”

Organized by: Green University of Bangladesh together with CETL, GUB, and IQAC, GUB 

Date: 27-28 February 2021


  1. Title: Seminar on Writing a Funded Research Project Proposal

Organized by: IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter 

Keynote Speaker:  Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, GUB and Chair, IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter

Date: 16 January 2021


  1. Title: Webinar on How AI can help in fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic?

Organized by: Dept. of EEE, Green University of Bangladesh 

Keynote Speaker:  Enamul Haque Chowdhury, Ph.D., Lecturer, Qatar University.

Chief Guest: Prof. Dr. Md. Golam Samdani Fakir, Vice Chancellor, Green University of Bangladesh

Special Guest: Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Green University of Bangladesh

Date: 06 August 2020


  1. Title: Roles of Telecom Operators in Covid-19 to Support Online/Offline Education in Bangladesh

Organized by: University Teachers’ Association of Bangladesh (UTAB) 

Panel Members: 

Mr. Mahtab Uddin Ahmed, MD and CEO Robi Axiata Ltd.

Prof. Dr. Shaikh A. Fattah, EEE, BUET, Ex-Chair, IEEE BDS

Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque, Pro-VC, GUB and Chair IEEE CS BDC

Prof. Dr. Celia Shahnaz, EEE, BUET, and Chair, IEEE BDS

Session Moderator: Prof. Dr. Rahamatullah Khondoker, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences

Date: 26 July 2020


  1. Title: Webinar on Research Collaboration, “Collaboration: A Step Towards Successful Research Careers”

Organized by: CRIT, Green University of Bangladesh 

Keynote Speaker:  Dr. Mohammed Abdul Hannan, Assistant Professor, Newcastle University, UK (Singapore Campus)

Chief Guest: Prof. Dr. Md. Golam Samdani Fakir, Vice Chancellor, Green University of Bangladesh

Special Guest: Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Green University of Bangladesh

Date: Thursday, 23 July 2020


  1. Title: Women in Engineering Tech Meetup Online Webinar Series organized 

Organized by: IEEE Bangladesh Section 

Date: 17 July 2020


  1. Title:  Online seminar on motivational and directional talk on research methodologies

Organized by: Green University of Bangladesh 

Keynote Speaker:  Prof. Dr. M. Atikur Rahman Ahad, DU

Date: 16 July 2020


  1. Title:  Online seminar on “R&D Areas in the Current Power System Industry”

Organized by: Green University of Bangladesh 

Speakers:  Dr. Asif Anwar, Dr Nimat Shamim, Dr Subrina Sultana Noureen, Mahmud-ul-Tarik sir (EEE, DU), and Md. Minarul Islam (EEE, DU)

Date: 12 July 2020


  1. Title:  Women in Engineering Tech Meetup Online Webinar Series 

Organized by: IEEE Bangladesh Section

Date: 11 July 2020


  1. Title: Online seminar on Impact of COVID-19 Higher Education in Bangladesh and Mitigating the Challenges through Online Education

Organized by: Green University of Bangladesh 

Keynote Speaker:  Prof. Dr. Abdul Mannan, Honorable Vice Chancellor, Bangladesh Open University

Date: 23 June 2020.


  1. Title:  Workshop on Academic Leadership and Management for the faculty members and admin officials of GUB

Organized by: Green University of Bangladesh 

Date: 10-11 March 2020.


  1. Title: Three-Day Long Program on Teaching and Learning

Date: 26 June 2020


  1. Title: Certification course on Teaching and Learning (1st Phase), 4 days

Date: 5-8 September 2018


  1. Title: Certification course on Teaching and Learning (2nd Phase), one day/week

Date: From 11/09/2018, Fall Semester-2018


  1. Title: World Teacher’s Day Celebration, 2018 at Green Auditorium, GUB

Date: October 5, 2018


  1. Title: Research Grants & SPSS Certificate Giving Ceremony, Organized by the Center for Research Innovation and Transformation (CRIT), GUB

Date: 25th July 2019


  1. Title: Workshop on Writing and Publishing a Scientific Research Paper conducted by Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque, SMIEEE; a workshop arranged in Green University of Bangladesh for only faculty members (GUB Premise)

Date: 02 August 2019


  1. Title: Workshop on Recent Revision of “BAETE Accreditation Policies and CO-PO Evaluation”

Date: 16 July 2019


  1. Title: Workshop on Writing a funded research project proposal conducted by Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque, SMIEEE; a workshop arranged by CRIT in Green University of Bangladesh for only faculty members (GUB Premise)

    Date: 04 September 2019